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Learn Chinese in China with Keats School

The good teaching conditions are effective to help foreign students in Chinese language learning. In order to help them learn Mandarin better, we should firstly realize the problems exist in Chinese teaching work. First of..

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When listening, some of the foreign learners who learn Mandarin may feel it is difficult to understand the Chinese sentences in the limited time. Actually, the understanding of sentences is related to two main aspects,..

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Origin of Chinese Characters

November 8, 2013

When we talk about the origin of Chinese characters, there are basically two sharply contrasting opinions. The first idea that the students who learn Mandarin should know is proposed by Tang Lan in the 1930s…

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What is Reading in Chinese?

November 8, 2013

When mentioning the hobbies, we often ask people around us like 你喜欢看什么书?. However, the foreigners who learn Mandarin should realize that here 看 is not the same as reading as we say. The difference lies..

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Purposes of Chinese Reading

November 8, 2013

In modern life, reading has become an important activity in people‘s life. But what is the purpose of reading? For knowledge and information or for recreation? Foreigners who learn Mandarin should realize that the knowledge..

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As we all know, Chinese characters have great vitality. When you come to China to learn Mandarin, you should view their vitality for China’s actual conditions. From the view of history, Chinese nation has been..

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The simplicity of teachers‘ teaching and explanation has great importance for foreign students to lean Mandarin. Therefore, teachers should explain the contents simply with less complements. There are two levels of meaning about the simplicity…

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About the vocabulary structure relationship, Liu Shuxin‘s theories are representative. He thinks that we should see the problem of vocabulary system according to the organizational relations in the internal of vocabulary. Then, when you learn..

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There are many kinds of application of the Chinese characters like antithetical couplet, poem, palindrome, anadiplosis and riddles. Students who learn Mandarin should know there are two parts in one antithetical couplet. The word numbers..

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Foreign students can learn and consolidate the second language knowledge in many lessons when they learn Mandarin. Compared with integrated lessons and grammar lessons, reading lessons are also effective because it can provide large amount..

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Sully testimonial for keats chinese school

Sully | France

Small Group Chinese Class

All my classmates stay together for one year and we improved so much! The teachers at Keats are all very great. They like to organize a lot of activities to help us learn Chinese. I like Keats! I like Kunming!

Jean | USA

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

I can’t tell you how much I liked it. The thing I liked about the teachers and the teaching method is that there is so much flexibility. The other thing I liked about the teaching is the combination of classic textbook learning and going outside. I loved it! I like getting to know other students. Everybody shared the same goal and that’s making their Chinese better. Kunming is a big city, but it is very safe to live here. Another thing I liked about Keats is the idea that people here help you. I can’t recommend it enough. I think it was a valuable experience. Looking forward to coming back!

Filbert | Indonesia

Small Group Chinese Class

Before I came to Keats School, I had no confidence in my Chinese proficiency. I did not have the confidence to speak Mandarin Chinese and chat with Chinese people. However, after 4 months of study at Keats, I become more and more confident in speaking Chinese now. Studying Chinese in China at Keats School has been the best decision I have ever made. There are many games in the class, and my teacher’s teaching methods are also very interesting. My experience at Keats School has changed my view of China and Chinese people.


Ivo testimonial for keats chinese school

Ivo | Switzerland

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

They really care about what our interests are, what questions we have, what requirements we have. Then they adjust our Chinese language program content according to the situations. One teacher and one student, so it is easy to keep your focus for the 6 hours of immersion Mandarin lessons. It is very convenient to study, live and eat in one building.

嶋田京子 | Japan

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

Kunming’s scenery is very beautiful. It is the best place to study Chinese in China. My favorite learning method at Keats School is one-on-one because it is suitable for everyone. My teacher is very good, very caring, and lovely. My life when learning Chinese in Kunming is very good and the weather is very good. The air is very good. It is good for the elderly’s body.

Aliza testimonial for keats chinese school

Aliza | USA

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

I found Keats School and I am so glad that I did. When you learn Chinese in China at Keats, you are fully being taken care of. My teacher is really great and we become lovely friends.

Sanny | USA

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

I have to say it’s tons of fun. I have been here for 2 weeks. Not knowing what it was gonna be like, I was more than surprised at how great it is. The teachers are great, they are understanding. They do a Chinese language program that suits just you. The location is perfect for learning Chinese in China.

星河明 | Japan

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

I took the one-on-one Intensive Chinese class for 6 hours a day. The classes are very interesting. The teachers are caring and the content the teacher teaches me is suitable for my level. It is an easy way to learn Mandarin. I have a lot of time practicing Chinese in class. The food is great here. I have improved my Chinese through this program at Keats.

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