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Learn Chinese in China with Keats School

In teaching activities, the main role of teaching is teachers and the key role is students. But teachers play the leading role. For some foreigners who study in China, they attach more importance to the behaviors..

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Foreigners around the world have raised a tide of learning Chinese language. Following this Chinese learning hot, the employment market in Korea is in a practical Chinese tide. During the process when foreigners learn Chinese in China, they may..

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Small game 朋友们聚会时做了一个小小的游戏,规则如下:三十多人分两排坐好,在规定的时间内,由坐在两排排头的人把主持人的话,一个接一个低声传下去,先传到最后一人者的胜利。我问了一下内容,原话是:小芳和大方谈恋爱,小芳的爸爸没意见,大方的妈妈不同意。 主持人宣布:“开始!”只见朋友们一个个匆忙地说着什么。“停!”这时候甲组正好传到最后一人。最后一问,传话的结果是:小芳和爸爸谈恋爱,大方的妈妈没意见。主持人宣布原话内容,全场大笑,我也笑了:你看,这就是传言! Question helping you to learn Chinese words in free Chinese lesson 1. 关于这个游戏,下面那句话不正确? A. 传话结果与原话不一样 B. 甲组虽然说得很慢,可仍然传错了 C. 传话时大家的声音都很小 D. 两组都希望先传完 Question helping you to learn Chinese words in free Chinese lesson 2. 作者想通过这个游戏说明: A. 悄悄话不可靠 B...

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When foreigners learn Chinese in China, they may have heard about the pedagogical grammar and theoretical grammar in Chinese language teaching. They should realize that grammar teaching in Chinese as a foreign language belongs to pedagogical grammar and..

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Many psychologists have studied a lot about the regularity of the acquisition of the words when they study the memory. They believed words are restored in the memory with the form of network. As a..

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In the classroom, teachers should use the teaching language properly. First of all, the teaching language that the teachers used to teach Mandarin language should closely cooperate with the teaching contents. Teachers’ teaching language is very demonstrative…

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Reading comprehension is the best way to check whether overseas students master the Chinese languageor not. Therefore, reading is an essential practice for students who learn Chinese in China to improve theirChinese language skills. There are many kinds of..

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Firstly, paralleling composites can be classified into three branches due to the variations in meaning of the sub-clauses. The Parallel compound Sentences which features with each sub-clauses depicting or describing several events that bears some..

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It would be a great opportunity for language learners who are puzzled about how to learn Mandarin in a creative while effective way, the method of exemplifications is a shortcut. In this session, we’d like to help..

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It is inevitable for overseas students to learn the sentence structure and sentence element if they want tolearn Mandarin Chinese well. Among so many grammar points, the subject and Predicate is an important one for students..

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Which Chinese Language Program
is right for you?



Sanny | USA

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

I have to say it’s tons of fun. I have been here for 2 weeks. Not knowing what it was gonna be like, I was more than surprised at how great it is. The teachers are great, they are understanding. They do a Chinese language program that suits just you. The location is perfect for learning Chinese in China.

嶋田京子 | Japan

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

Kunming’s scenery is very beautiful. It is the best place to study Chinese in China. My favorite learning method at Keats School is one-on-one because it is suitable for everyone. My teacher is very good, very caring, and lovely. My life when learning Chinese in Kunming is very good and the weather is very good. The air is very good. It is good for the elderly’s body.

Vanya testimonial for keats chinese school


Small Group Chinese Class

I found Keats to be very good, teachers are excellent and really take the students seriously. Kunming is the best place to learn Mandarin in China. The environment is awesome, no pollution. The air quality is great, good weather. The people here are very friendly. I come to take classes every day. I feel comfortable studying Chinese at Keats. I learned so many things, although I only studied at Keats for 2 months. I am really satisfied with my teacher. For us foreigners, Keats is the best Chinese school in China. Therefore, I would highly recommend Keats to all of you.

Testimonial for Chinese lessons

Faith | UK

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

I have 2 teachers, and I do 4 hours a day. So I have got Dong Laoshi and Jin Laoshi. Both of them are very good. They made the experience very nice to me. They are willing to help you whenever, so if you ever have a question here, the teachers are always there to help you whether it is visas, whether it is getting around the city. Everyone wants to talk to you.

Robert testimonial for keats chinese school

Robert | Netherlands

Small Group Chinese Class

Since last semester, we started studying Chinese at Keats. It was the best choice we can ever make. It is a really good school. The classes are a lot of fun, you learn a lot, but very interactive, so you talk a lot which means it is not just books and writing. Kunming is a really pleasant city to live in, especially if you compare it to other cities in the east. If you like to travel, if you like to study Chinese in a fun way, Keats has the best Chinese language program for you.

Rients testimonial for keats chinese school

Rients | Netherlands

Small Group Chinese Class

Kunming is a great place to learn Chinese in China because not many Chinese on the street speak English. Keats has been a great school for me and a lot of other foreigners who studied in China recommended it to me. I think they are all right. The study method here is really structured. They make learning Chinese really easy. There are also a lot of cultural and natural places to visit.

Simon testimonial for keats chinese school

Simon | UK & France

Small Group Chinese Class

The visa application was really straightforward, because Keats School helps us a lot with that. Keats has a big emphasis on conversational practice, so we learn a lot of vocabulary and daily life plans which is very convenient for us to go around town and speak with Chinese people which is the whole point of learning Chinese in China.

Viktor testimonial for keats chinese school

Viktor | Switzerland

Small Group Chinese Class

My school is amazing. I recommend Keats School because it is a more convenient way to learn Chinese in Kunming.

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