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Lesson 2 – Intermediate – Short Passage Helping Students to Learn Chinese Words

Small game



Question helping you to learn Chinese words in free Chinese lesson

1. 关于这个游戏,下面那句话不正确?

A. 传话结果与原话不一样

B. 甲组虽然说得很慢,可仍然传错了

C. 传话时大家的声音都很小

D. 两组都希望先传完

Question helping you to learn Chinese words in free Chinese lesson

2. 作者想通过这个游戏说明:

A. 悄悄话不可靠

B. 同音字易混淆

C. 传言多么不可靠

D. 传言多么有趣

3. 你能讲讲这个游戏的经过吗?

答案 (Answers):

1 B 2 C

Notes helping you to learn Chinese words in free Chinese lesson


New words:

聚会jù huì to form a party

游戏yóu xì games

主持人zhǔ chí rén a host

胜利shèng lì a victory

意见yì jiàn suggestion

同意tóng yì agree with

结果jié guǒ result

传言chuán yán gossip

Let’s learn Chinese words which are more interesting.

规则guī zé rules in game or in sports

Eg: 这个游戏的规则是,谁先得3分,谁就赢。(zhè ge yóu xì de guī zé shì , shuí xiān dé 3 fēn , shuí jiù yíng 。)

乒乓球的规则是,谁先得12分,谁就赢。(pīng pāng qiú de guī zé shì , shuí xiān dé 12 fēn , shuí jiù yíng)

Let’s learn Chinese words which are more interesting.

规定guī ding to stipulate

Eg: 济慈学校规定,每个老师每天八点二十分得到学校。(jì cí xué xiào guī dìng , měi gè lǎo shī měi tiān bā diǎn èr shí fēn dé dào xué xiào)

公司规定,每个人每月得交一篇报告。(gōng sī guī dìng , měi gè rén měi yuè dé jiāo yì piān bào gào)

法律规定,男女平等。( fǎ lǜ guī dìng , nán nǚ píng děng)

Let’s learn Chinese words which are more interesting.

谈恋爱tán liàn ài be in love

Eg: Mary和Mike谈恋爱。(mary hé mike tán liàn ài)

谈恋爱是件很美的事情。(tán liàn ài shì jiàn hěn měi de shì qíng)

我们要先谈恋爱再结婚。(wǒ men yào xiān tán liàn ài zài jié hūn)

我没有谈过恋爱。(wǒ méi yǒu tán guò liàn ài)

Let’s learn Chinese words which are more interesting.

宣布xuān bù announce

Eg: 济慈学校宣布,这个周末所有的学生一起去KTV唱歌。(jì cí xué xiào xuān bù , zhè ge zhōu mò suó yǒu de xué sheng yì qǐ qù ktv chàng gē)

公司昨天宣布,从下个月开始加薪, 工作人员都很高兴。(gōng sī zuó tiān xuān bù , cóng xià gè yuè kāi shǐ jiā xīn , gōng zuò rén yuán dōu hěn gāo xìng)

昨天我的好朋友宣布,下个月16号结婚。(zuó tiān wǒ de hǎo péng you xuān bù , xià gè yuè 16 hào jié hūn)

Let’s learn Chinese words which are more interesting.

Idioms, 道听途说dào tīng tú shuō


Words which are heard on the way or spread on the way; it generally refer to rumors with no evidences. (hearsay; a rumor; gossip)

Antonyms:言之有据yán zhī yǒu jù:to speak and write essays with sufficient evidences or facts (to speak on good grounds)

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