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Learn Chinese in China with Keats School

 Since 2003, the writer has practice the new method of teaching Chinese Characters based on the writer’s experience. At the same time a book named “原味中文” (yuán wèi zhōnɡ wén)has been compiled by the writer..

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The process of learning knowledge and skills for students is a complex process of the gradual combination of perceptual knowledge and rational knowledge. There are four stages to go or students who study in China, namely,..

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The most obvious characteristic of the words in development is the constantly created new words. Foreign students who learn Mandarin should know the so-called new words are the words that created in the developing process but not..

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Tips C Game: finding the missing people Teaching object: zero level beginners Details: Ask one student to stand in front and let other students look at him or her carefully is also one of the..

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Nowadays, teaching Chinese as second language has been another hot spot of education. Many people think by mistake that the beginning of teaching Chinese to foreigners who learn Mandarin in China is very low and..

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The grass writing is a kind of style of calligraphy that breakthroughs the strict forms of Chinese characters, making the Chinese characters being written simpler. When you learn Mandarin, you will know it originated from the..

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Chinese characters are difficult to write and boring to learn for overseas students who learn Chinese language in China. To solve this problem, some interesting games are designed to stimulate students’ interest and initiative to study Chinese…

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During the three-year’s experience of Chinese teaching to foreigners who learn Mandarin in China, the author had comparative analysis and error analysis on the phenomenon of “going out of tune” for Chinese learners whose mother..

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According to my finding, I want to introduce the methods I use as following to the students who study Mandarin. 1. The comparison of Chinese and Western language talking speed Teachers measure and compare the..

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For most people who just start to learn Chinese in China, they may think it is a little boring because Chinese is difficult to study for them. Therefore, they may choose to attend Chinese school in China…

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Which Chinese Language Program
is right for you?



Liam | UK

HSK Test Preparation Course

Last year I started studying Chinese at University. The reason that I came here is that currently, I’m preparing for the HSK 5 test. Also, I heard that this is one of the best schools to study Mandarin in China. After I came here I realized that Kunming is a pretty cool city to live in and with regards to the teachers’ teaching methods, I think they’re very professional. And I think the language environment is good so now I’m ready to take the HSK 5.

Caroline testimonial for keats school french

Caroline | France

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

It is very comfortable studying at Keats. The teachers are very friendly. I welcome you to come to study Chinese in China at Keats.

Sylvia tetimonial for keats chinese school

Sylvia | USA

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

One thing I really liked was that I was able to work with my teacher to make an individual plan of study. Another really nice thing is that you live at the school, you feel completely safe.  You always have a group of people who are willing to do things with you on the weekends or in the evenings. They are serving you all the 3 meals a day, the food was excellent.

嶋田京子 | Japan

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

Kunming’s scenery is very beautiful. It is the best place to study Chinese in China. My favorite learning method at Keats School is one-on-one because it is suitable for everyone. My teacher is very good, very caring, and lovely. My life when learning Chinese in Kunming is very good and the weather is very good. The air is very good. It is good for the elderly’s body.

Ida testimonial for keats chinese school

Ida | Italy

Small Group Chinese Class

I have studied at Keats for 2 semesters. I highly recommend Keats School. If you are very interested in taking a Mandarin course in China, I would suggest you come to Kunming. Kunming people are very friendly. The weather in Kunming is great. So I recommend that you study Chinese at Keats in Kunming.

Steve testimonial for keats chinese school

Steve | UK

Small Group Chinese Class

I really enjoy coming here because it is like kind of a home for me. It is a great environment to learn Mandarin Chinese in China and meet great people from all over the world. Everyone here is extremely friendly. Kunming has a really nice climate. It is a very good mix of the modern city and also a lot of historic Chinese culture. Probably got the cleanest air in China and possibly the cleanest water too. I invite you to come to study Chinese in Kunming.

Ramji | USA

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

The best part of the school is the patience the instructors had and the time to focus on the fundamentals like pronunciation. I think it is very easy to skip over those and go to vocabulary. But by learning the pronunciation, I feel like it helped me gain a better understanding of the language.

Richard testimonial for keats chinese school

Richard | UK

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

This is my second time coming. Last year, I also came for about 12 weeks. This time I came for 13 weeks of a summer program in China. The reason why I particularly want to come to this school was because of the one-on-one classes. I was able to increase my level and learn Chinese more quickly than in group classes. If I have a chance again to come next year, I certainly will.

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