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Lesson 4 – Elementary – Words Used for a Headache in Hospital

As for learning Chinese for free, reading has been an important part because it will improve the Chinese of students who learn Chinese for free in china by free Chinese lesson. What’s more, it is important to learn how to describe the phenomena of you own physical conditions when you go to hospital. This passage will introduce the something about describing physical condition in hospital to those foreigners who are willing tolearn Chinese for free through free Chinese lesson. And this is the Chinese reading for the elementary students to improve their Chinese in reading and understanding.

wǒ tóu téng


With the intention to learn Chinese for free through free Chinese lesson, it is better for you to have general knowledge of the whole passage such the new words. What’s more, the new words taken from the passage may partially affect the general understanding of whole passage when you learn Chinese for free. Thus, preview the new words from the passage will help you to learn Chinese for free well.

shēng cí
New Words

仔细 zǐ xì careful
遇见 yù jiàn main
师范 shī fàn to meet, to encounter
造成 zào chéng normal school
得 dé to cause
顾 gù to have to
一时 yì shí temporarily

Since you learn Chinese for free, doing more excises after learning or reading is the best way to strengthen your Chinese. In addition, the understanding of the title is as important as the understanding of the passage when you learn Chinese for free. As long as you learn Chinese for free, you can choose free Chinese lesson no matter you are in China or abroad.

dú hòu gēn jù duǎn wén pàn duàn zhèng wù
Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the above text.

(1) 我最近常头疼。
(2) 大夫说我的病是因为休息不好。
(3) 我在医院看见的朋友是师大的学生。
(4) 我朋友吃饭吃得不舒服。
(5) 大夫说他吃喝不注意,所以消化不好。

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