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Parents Authority

In China, parents are called “父母 fù mǔ—literally ‘father and mother’”, also they are usually called “家长jiāzhǎn?”, literally “the leader of a family”, because parents have absolutely authority to decide something for the children, especially in the ancient time. The children’s career, marriage and a lot of things are decided by the parents, and you have no right to protest.

Today, “家长” is the call used by the teachers in the school very frequently. When the students made some mistakes, their parents might be called to the school to get the whole affair and help to educate the students. Here this course is called “请家长qǐn? jiā zhǎn?”—invite the parents. And each term in the school, there will be some meetings that invite the parents to take part in to communicate with the teachers about the children’s condition and what should both of the sides do to help the student. This meeting is called “家长会jiā zhǎn? huì”. “家长” is a quite strict word, and it relates to authority and power. Also it is the word that students afraid most to hear.

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