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Read the paragraph in Chinese sentences and choose the proper one.
A 安静 激起 全部 决心 B 寂静 诱发 全体 信念
C 宁静 激发 一切 信心 C 平静 唤起 所以 信任
Read the paragraph in Chinese sentences and choose the proper one.
A 健全 积极 应用 增进 B 完善 充分 运用 促进
C 完备 充实 使用 促使 C 完美 充足 利用 推动
Read the paragraph in Chinese sentences and choose the proper one.
A 独特 经常 始终 重要 B 特别 常常 向来 重大
C 特殊 往往 一直 巨大 D 尤其 时常 一向 宏大
Read the paragraph in Chinese sentences and choose the proper one.
A 欣慰 兴旺 认为 宝贵 B 快乐 发达 觉得 名贵
C 幸福 兴盛 以为 珍贵 D 快慰 繁荣 感觉 贵重
Read the paragraph in Chinese sentences and choose the proper one.
A 开通 评选 机会 参考 B 开创 选择 机遇 参照
C 开办 挑选 时机 看见 D 开始 遴选 指望 参见
1、B 2、C 3、C 4、B 5、D 6、C 7、B 8、C 9、A 10、A
11、C 12、C 13、D 14、C 15、D
1, For the second blank, based on the structure, it needs a verb in Chinese sentences, so we can dispose choice A and b. what’s more, choice b “缺少lake” is used for describing the countable things, such as people and particulars. Choice d “缺乏not have” should be with a special object. “勇气courage” is a special noun, so we choose choice d.
2, For the second blank, choice a and d ,”激起stipulate” and ”唤起provoke” are repeatedly with the following character”起 up” in Chinese sentences. It disobeys the pronunciation laws. choice b “诱发give directions” means to make him understand or get lessons. It don’t company with meaning of the sentence. Choice c “激发” means to stipulate somebody to make him excite. With the context, we can know that voice can give people excitements, so choice c is proper here.
3, Form the view of the structure ,we should put a noun in the first blank, choice c”完备” and choice d“完美perfect ness’ can not be used as verbs, so dispose them. And for the last blank, choice a ”增进increase” means that the number is up in Chinese sentences, the quality improve, the speed fast. Choice b “促进” means that the thing is developing forward basing on the origin. According to the meaning of the sentence, it shows people should use the water carefully. So the choice is b.
4, Firstly we should give up the choice a since we use “大large ” to modify “差距gap”. Choice b “重大”,means important. In this sentence, it just focuses on the large gap, rather than the importance in Chinese sentences. So we dispose choice b. Choice c “巨大huge” means extremely large, choice d “宏大” is used to modify the scale, building, ambitious, and the like. So the right choice is c.
5, The last blank, choice a “宝贵” means it is with worthy because of the importance and rare. choice b “名贵” means it is worthy because of famousness. Choice c”珍贵”means worthy because of the high price. The sentence give forth to the intellectuals ,so we choose”宝贵”,choice a.
6, For the first blank, choice a “开通” means traffic and communication lines are beginning to put into use. Choice b “开创”means to create and form initially. Choice c “开办” usually matches with speech, training classes and programs. Choice d “开始” is often followed with verb. In this sentence, the object of the mach is the communication line,” the phone communication pad” .so the right choice is A.