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Importing New Mandarin Chinese Contents by Starting with Music

Language learning process is tedious. Therefore if the teacher from school to study in China can import some popular songs on purpose, the interest of language learning will be increased. Students’ desire on learning Chinese will be enhanced while their nerve is relaxed. As the consequence, Chinese teaching can be started effectively.

Recently, a teacher of Mandarin language courses in China used this teaching approach in his Chinese teaching. He chose a song which was quite popular in these days, 《老鼠爱大米》and played this song in multimedia for students in the class.

Some students had learnt this song from their Chinese friends before they came to learn Chinese in China, thus they could sing along with the music. After the song was ended, the teacher asked students:这首歌可是中国最近的一首新歌,你们怎么都会唱啊!

Students of the Mandarin learning courses were quite happy and answered: 这首歌我们很熟悉。
Teacher: 这首歌的名字是什么?
Students: 老鼠爱大米。
Teacher: 你们是来中国以后学的吗?
Teacher: 在你们国家也有很多人会唱吗?
Students: 是的,年轻人都会唱。
Teacher: 是吗?看来这首歌很多人都喜欢。
Students: 没错。

The teacher then wrote down a sentence on the blackboard: 这首歌很流行。

The new content “流行” was imported naturally into the classroom teaching.

When he was going to teach students to learn the Chinese words “古典、现代、民歌” and other expressions about music, the teacher prepared many records of classical music, national music and pop music for students of the school in Kunming to study Chinese before the class.

He played different types of music in turn to let students who study in China to experience the different music types and think about the characteristics of the music he played. During this process, he taught students to study Chinese words “古典、现代、民歌、歌词、歌曲 and 名曲” in time.

After learning all the words mentioned by the textbooks, he played the music again and asked students who learn Mandarin, “这是什么类型的音乐?有什么特点?” and tried to guide students to use the new words they had just learnt.

In order to teach students of Chinese language school to learn the phrase structure such as “拍拍手”, he prepared two players and two records of the song 《如果幸福你就拍拍手》and divided students into two groups, each of which was given one player and one record.

In the classroom of the intensive Mandarin course in China, the teacher asked these two groups of students to learn to sing the song. During the process, group members helped each other to correct pronunciation and tones.

Then the two groups were asked to sing in front of the class one by one. The worse group should write down the lyrics on the blackboard and the students in better group corrected the mistakes made by the students in the former group. The teacher underlined the word “拍拍手” on the blackboard and asked students: 同学们,你们知道这个词是什么意思吗?Most of the students reflected and made the action of clapping their hands. At this time, the teacher made some supplements and explanations on the phrase structure of reiterative and started teaching them the expressions, such as “拍拍手,跺跺脚,拍拍肩,摇摇头”.

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