As we have introduced, there are many methods relating to the Feng Shui orientations, such as twenty eight Xiu, twelve Feng Ye, sixty Long, and Zuo Shan Jie Sha and so on. To sum up, we can obtain some understanding of them as follows:
At first, the procedures of seeking for Long and observing Sha, and Wen Shui Dian Xue introduced above basically belong to one group that they are the Xing Fa developed with the Xing Shi Zong. They predict the fate of the things or the person according to the features of the large or small size of environment. As far as inherit of the traditional concept and the experience of Ze Ju, most of them have been kept with development. Therefore, the authentic Feng Shui culture can be represented by them. On the contrary, the procedures of Feng Shui orientations main hand down from the Li Qi faction in divining.
Most of the Feng Shui orientations are consisted of alchemy which had been beyond the common sense and experience. For example, the Chinese people always favor the house orienting south and north when choosing the dwelling houses. And this is one kind of experience. However, divining the orientations is never limited by the common sense. The luckiest house is orienting north and south. And if the house orients west to east, it also can be regarded as the lucky house. According to the common sense, they also admit that the house is not suitable for living. On the other hand, after they adjust the structure of the house, the house also can be seen as the treasure house too. In fact, they just take advantages of various dummy parameters to calculate and deduce. The complicated rules may make you confused. Majority of the people do believe that the Feng Shui culture in Chinese culture goes against the science. The available evidences are these divine methods which have run counter to the experience.
In the second place, no matter the Xing Fa or the divine methods, in order to enhance the convincing to the clients who are addicted in the Feng Shui culture, they relate to each other when they are taken into the field of orientation. And the divine method also relates to the metaphor or simile. On the other hand, the Xing Fa also involves in the corporation in abstract sense. Therefore, even though the Feng Shui culture originated from the traditional concepts and the experience of Ze Ju, but the results have strict difference between the objective practices.
At last, in Chinese culture, no matter most of the Feng Shui orientations have adapted from the experience of Ze Ju in Xing Fa. Or they are mainly the divining method of deducing. Both of them do not aim at choosing the proper living environment. On the other hand, they do it just because of the fame, fortune, and longevity and so on. Therefore, if we explain the Feng Shui orientations according to the criteria of the fate and the procedures, it seems logical. For example, Wand Chong who lived in Dong Han Dynasty had written a book named Lun Heng •Si Hui Pian. This book is critical to the Kan Yu Lun. It is recorded like that most of the common people believe that it is bad to expand the house in the west after finishing the house, or it will brings bad luck. The house is surrounded by the lands. Why is it unfortunate to build the house in the west? And is it lucky to tear down the house in the west? Or is it better to build the house in the east?
No matter the Feng Shui culture relates to the science or not. Or no matter it learns from the traditional concept or not. Generally speaking, the Feng Shui culture involves in the superstition a lot. And this is the truth with no questions.