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A Useful Chinese Teaching Approach

One teacher of Chinese language courses suggests to using importing to teach new words to overseas students who are learning Chinese in China.

The specific teaching approach concluded by teachers of Chinese language courses is that teacher can choose a word which has learnt before according to the teaching contents and ask students of Chinese language courses to start associating. Verbs, nouns and quantifiers can be collocated with this word and students can say out the synonyms and antonyms and even associate with one word or sentence which is related with these. In the end, the teacher can channel the new subjects which can be collocated with this word or sentence and start teaching.

This kind of association pattern has universality in both subject and content, which is good for leading all the students to think back the knowledge which they have learnt and use their imagination, cultivating the ability of associating Chinese vocabulary and helping students to memorize the accustomed collocation between words. This can also promote the teaching of new Chinese words and is suitable for all students in every level. Some teachers of Chinese language courses have taken this teaching approach in their teaching experiments among a group of students who are learning Chinese in China.

In vocabulary teaching of Chinese language courses teachers listed some examples:

Example one: 开(药)

Teacher writes down “药” on the blackboard and ask students who are having Chinese language courses to collocate verbs with this word.

Students: 买药、卖药、有药、拿药、吃药、喝药……

Teacher: 我们生病了,要去医院做什么呢?

Students: 看病。

Teacher: 医生看完病以后,要做什么呢?

After thinking, students start answering the question.

Teacher provides the prescription or asks students to do presentation on the stage. Teacher should draw forth the new subject of collocation “开”in time to start teaching.

Example two: 助人为乐

The teacher who teaches Chinese language courses wrote down the name of a student who was forward to help others (if the teacher can choose the name properly, classroom teaching can be quite humorous.), then asked students to talk about the characteristics of this student with the materials they had prepared before the Chinese language courses.

Students: 他很热情、他团结同学、很帅、爱笑、喜欢T恤衫、喜欢开玩笑、不骄傲、每天准时上课、喜欢帮助人……

Teacher wrote down parts of the answers on the blackboard.

Teacher: XX很喜欢帮助同学,他觉得帮助人很快乐,我们可以用什么词表达呢?

Students then thought about it and answered the question.

The teacher wrote on the blackboard and brought the word “助人为乐” to teach students.

Example three: in order to teach student understand and memorize the word风雨交加 in the Chinese language course.

Students: 热、冷、炎热、寒冷、凉爽、凉快、晴朗、雨下个不停、刮大风了、由晴转阴、倾盆大雨、细雨蒙蒙、烈日当头、万里无云、天寒地冻、春暖花开……

Teacher: 如果是又刮风又下雨的天气,怎么表达?

Students start thinking and answering the question.

Teacher writes down “风雨交加”on the blackboard to teach students.

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