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Learn Chinese in China with Keats School

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It’s So Good to Be Back to Keats School

After having 1 month’s vacation, the 2012 Fall Semester starting this Monday may bring a new exciting beginning to our students.

“I can‘t wait to be back to Keats. And It‘s so good to be back!” an American student said to his teacher. Actually many students mentioned that it was for a long time they did not really learn Chinese. They just felt the Chinese stop progress. And when they learn Chinese at Keats School, their progress are obviously.

Now they are back and learn Chinese in the class with experienced Keats’ teachers and hardworking classmates. We can see the happiness from each student.

The first week finished. After this week, all students found the appropriate classes with teachers‘ help. To guarantee the best learning result, all students of Keats have chance to have the trail classes in different level of classes. One girl chose elementary level when she applied, after the first day, the teacher suggested her to try in intermediate class. And she found she would improve faster in that level. There were many examples like this student and all teachers were also happy to see the good results.

We believe that 20 weeks‘ later, the students of all small classes will make a big progress.

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Paul | UK

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

All teachers are really lovely. The teaching level at Keats is so much higher. I really love the city. It is very comfortable to get around. I fully recommend Keats. It is a great place to study Chinese in China. We are looking forward to coming back again later this year.

Shihori | Japan

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

In the one-to-one intensive Chinese course, you can choose the learning method you like. The small group Chinese class in China at Keats follows the HSK textbook. Teachers often collect feedback from the students, teachers listen to our requirements and opinions. I felt that my oral level is better than before .

Steve testimonial for keats chinese school

Steve | UK

Small Group Chinese Class

I really enjoy coming here because it is like kind of a home for me. It is a great environment to learn Mandarin Chinese in China and meet great people from all over the world. Everyone here is extremely friendly. Kunming has a really nice climate. It is a very good mix of the modern city and also a lot of historic Chinese culture. Probably got the cleanest air in China and possibly the cleanest water too. I invite you to come to study Chinese in Kunming.

Martine testimonial for keats chinese school

Martine | France

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

I really enjoy this place because we have private Mandarin lessons. I took the 6-hour program, 4 hours in the morning, 2 in the afternoon. Even though it is quite a lot, the teaching is complimentary. This is very helpful because I could review what I did before and learn new things. My 2 teachers are fantastic. We live in the school, so it is convenient. It is interesting to me to meet people from all over the world.

嶋田京子 | Japan

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

Kunming’s scenery is very beautiful. It is the best place to study Chinese in China. My favorite learning method at Keats School is one-on-one because it is suitable for everyone. My teacher is very good, very caring, and lovely. My life when learning Chinese in Kunming is very good and the weather is very good. The air is very good. It is good for the elderly’s body.

Hitanshu testimonial for keats chinese school

Hitanshu | UK

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

It doesn’t matter what level of Chinese you have, or even you can start from the zero level. Your teacher will prepare the lessons according to your requirements. The advantage of living in the school is that you will have your tutoring, you will have your private accommodation with your own bathroom and all the meals provided. I highly recommend everybody to actually take the whole package because you get to meet other students.

Aliza testimonial for keats chinese school

Aliza | USA

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

I found Keats School and I am so glad that I did. When you learn Chinese in China at Keats, you are fully being taken care of. My teacher is really great and we become lovely friends.

Sylvia tetimonial for keats chinese school

Sylvia | USA

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

One thing I really liked was that I was able to work with my teacher to make an individual plan of study. Another really nice thing is that you live at the school, you feel completely safe.  You always have a group of people who are willing to do things with you on the weekends or in the evenings. They are serving you all the 3 meals a day, the food was excellent.

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