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Learn Chinese in China with Keats School

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Cola Chicken Wings Made by Keats’ Student

Cola Chicken Wings is one of popular dishes among young Chinese people in recent years. It’s said that Coca-Chicken in foreign countries was introduced into China long time ago. A cook poured cola in the dish by accident then he found out the dish was more delicious than before. The Cola Chicken Wings was born since then.

However, there are more than 20 methods to make this dish. Many Chinese people have not tried to cook it or tasted it yet. To our surprise, this week, a student from England cooked this dish for us.

Campbell was a cook before and now he is learning Chinese in China at Keats School. He can cook Chinese food, Thailand food, and much more. He bought all materials such as chicken wings, cola, soy bean sauce, etc. It took three hours to prepare this dish at home. On Monday he brought this dish to his classmates at Keats and shared the wonderful food with other teachers and students.

Three teachers of one-on-one Chinese program have not tried this dish before and they said the chicken wings were so different from the regular chicken wings. They were so surprised that western cola and chicken wings could become such delicious dish. Many students also showed great likeness to this dish. Some of them asked Campbell to teach them how to prepare this dish. Campbell shared his secret recipe with the students and teachers. It became a must-try dish to enjoy a leisure weekend.

Keats School’ students who come to learn Chinese in Kunming are from all over world. They like to share their hometown cuisines with us, so we have many opportunities to try all delicious foods around the world. Keats School is not only a place you can learn Chinese, also a place to meet more friends.

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Ben testimonial for keats chinese school

Ben | USA

Small Group Chinese Class

My first semester that I studied at another school, and the pressure there was pretty high, the classroom hour was long, and the homework was pretty tedious. Since I came to Keats, I found I have a lot more opportunities to speak in the classroom. My classmates all are fluent and love speaking and participating in the class. We have great classroom dynamic.

Josh testimonial for keats chinese school

Josh | USA

Small Group Chinese Class

I really had a wonderful experience at the school. The teachers are very very friendly. In my class, we practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing. We play games and other fun activities. We have trips around town. The staff at Keats is phenomenal. My teacher is one of the best teachers I have ever had in my educational experience. She comes in with a smile every day.

Vanya testimonial for keats chinese school


Small Group Chinese Class

I found Keats to be very good, teachers are excellent and really take the students seriously. Kunming is the best place to learn Mandarin in China. The environment is awesome, no pollution. The air quality is great, good weather. The people here are very friendly. I come to take classes every day. I feel comfortable studying Chinese at Keats. I learned so many things, although I only studied at Keats for 2 months. I am really satisfied with my teacher. For us foreigners, Keats is the best Chinese school in China. Therefore, I would highly recommend Keats to all of you.

Hitanshu testimonial for keats chinese school

Hitanshu | UK

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

It doesn’t matter what level of Chinese you have, or even you can start from the zero level. Your teacher will prepare the lessons according to your requirements. The advantage of living in the school is that you will have your tutoring, you will have your private accommodation with your own bathroom and all the meals provided. I highly recommend everybody to actually take the whole package because you get to meet other students.

Sarah testimonial for keats chinese school

Sarah | Dubai

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

My teachers are all excellent. They trained the teachers so professionally. I feel like I learn very quickly with my teacher. They are very serious about their students and I know every teacher is like this. I would highly recommend that you come to Keats if you are looking for the best Chinese school in China.

Steve testimonial for keats chinese school

Steve | UK

Small Group Chinese Class

I really enjoy coming here because it is like kind of a home for me. It is a great environment to learn Mandarin Chinese in China and meet great people from all over the world. Everyone here is extremely friendly. Kunming has a really nice climate. It is a very good mix of the modern city and also a lot of historic Chinese culture. Probably got the cleanest air in China and possibly the cleanest water too. I invite you to come to study Chinese in Kunming.

Ida testimonial for keats chinese school

Ida | Italy

Small Group Chinese Class

I have studied at Keats for 2 semesters. I highly recommend Keats School. If you are very interested in taking a Mandarin course in China, I would suggest you come to Kunming. Kunming people are very friendly. The weather in Kunming is great. So I recommend that you study Chinese at Keats in Kunming.

Paul | UK

Intensive One-on-One Chinese Classes

All teachers are really lovely. The teaching level at Keats is so much higher. I really love the city. It is very comfortable to get around. I fully recommend Keats. It is a great place to study Chinese in China. We are looking forward to coming back again later this year.

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