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Study Chinese: Spring Festival

Do you want to study Chinese? Today, we will introduce a character: 春(chūn)

Usually, the Chinese festival first comes to people’s minds is the Spring Festival. This is the most important festival of the Chinese people. We can find the reason why it is called “the Spring Festival” by looking at the Chinese character “春”(spring). The character looks like a little blade of grass exerting all its strength to come out of the ground and grow under the sun.

At the time of year when everything is nature is beginning to grow, this holiday is celebrated to pray the life in the coming year will flourish like the verdant grasses of spring. We use the expression “过年?uò nián” to mean “celebrate the New Year”. On the 1st day of the New Year, people wish each other a Happy New Year by exclaiming “过年好?uò nián hǎo”!

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