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Lesson 18 – Intermediate – Learning Chinese Words 总之

During the process when you practice Chinese reading, you may often see the word 总之at the beginning of the sentence and the end of a passage. If you attend to Mandarin language courses in China, teachers would tell you that 总之is a conjunction, after which is the conclusion of the previous contents. A recapitulative conclusion is summarized after it. The punctuation mark after 总之should be the comma. For example, 这里的春天刮大风,夏天下大雨,秋天闹霜冻,冬天来寒流,总之,不太适合养花.

It happens frequently when you talk with your friends that to express your ideas about certain things. The structure 在…看来is often used to introduce someone’s opinions on something. It carries the same meaning with “…认为”. But when we use this structure, the tone is usually very formal. Accordingly, you can make sentence like 在我看来,知音是可遇不可求的.

之所以…是因为… is also important for the foreign students who learn to speak Chinese to learn because this structure is applied to connect the reason and result. The part after 之所以is the result or conclusion while the part after 是因为is the reason and cause. The purpose of using this pattern is mainly to emphasize the reason and cause after it. We can say他之所以没有被录用,是因为他的学历太低. Sometimes, we can use是由于to replace 是因为.

The phrase 这样一来is used to connect the segments or passages. In the former part of it, some certain conditions are listed while the part after it are the changes happened after such conditions mentioned. The segments after it often have a 了like 市政府修建了多条地铁,这样一来,交通堵塞的问题终于解决了.

One important point that the foreigners who learn Chinese online free should know is 即使…也…, which is to indicate assumption and concession. The latter conclusions are not affected by the former conditions. It is often used in written language. For instance, 即使再忙,也不应该忽视孩子的教育.

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