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Lesson 13 – Advanced – Chinese Word 干脆 and 并 Structure

To understand some certain set structures is beneficial to acquire Chinese language. When you learn in free Chinese lesson, you should know the structure并 add negative words like 不or 没有 which is applied to strengthen the negative tones. There are two forms commonly used that the students learn in free Chinese lesson should know when it is used to negate some ideas and illustrate the true conditions. The first one is 并不 add adjective or verbs for psychological states and another is 并没有 add ordinary verbs like 并不便宜 and 并没有去过中国.

The word 干脆 is often seen when learners learn Chinese words which is an adjective meaning clear-cut or straightforward. When we use this word, we usually intend to say we do not feel something is troublesome. It can be placed before the verbs and also the subjects. When you learn in free Chinese lesson, the following sentences are helpful to understand. 小王办事很干脆 and 电话里说不清,干脆自己去一趟吧.

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