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Lesson 10 – Advanced – Four Functions of the Overlap Chinese Adjective Construction

During the process when foreign learners study Chinese, they may often find there is overlap phenomenon in the adjectives. It is a kind of special structure in Chinese language. What you should know is the functions of this kind of structure. In total, there are four kinds of functions of the overlap adjectives. They will be illustrated in the following parts with examples.

First of all, it can express the implication of “love” or “intimacy” because certain things can be described as lovely things when using the overlap construction of the adjective. Students who learn Chinese in China can understand through the sentences “小梅举着两只胖胖的小手,向我跑来” and “孩子们把教室布置得漂漂亮亮的”.

In another case, when we use certain adjectives in overlap construction, we usually tend to describe a certain degree. The following two sentences are helpful for students to learn Mandarin: “天黑了,老人在路上慢慢地走着” and “我清清楚楚地听见有人叫我,可就是看不见他”.

Let’s take another example “这个人办事总是马里马虎的,大家都不放心”. We use “马里马虎” to describe the person deal with things carelessly. When you study in qualified Mandarin program, teachers would tell you that this kind of overlap adjective construction can reflect the emotion of hate.

Sometimes, we often use the overlap structure to describe a certain thing so that it is more vivid and lively. Here is an example for students who study in China: “弯弯的月亮斜挂在天空”. Here “弯弯” is applied to describe the shape of the moon. Therefore, we say this structure has the function of description.

From all above, students who learn Chinese language should know that there are totally four functions of the overlap adjective construction. They can describe the affection of “love” and “hate”, to indicate the extent and for description. Students can conclude after reading more exercises.

After knowing the functions of the overlap adjective construction, foreign learners will not be confused when they see such construction. They can analyze the function by referring these four mentioned. 

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