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Learning Chinese Expressions 相对来说 and 想得倒美

Since more practice is essential to study Mandarin Chinese better, those foreign learners should talk more with their Chinese teachers or friends. But during this process, they should know some useful and frequently used expressions. For example, when Chinese people say相对来说, they usually mean to draw a conclusion after comparison. You can make sentence like最近计算机方面的人才很受市场欢迎,相对来说,其他专业的人找工作不太容易.

During the learning process, you may often hear people say想吃就吃,想玩就玩and想干什么就干什么. As a matter of fact, the pattern “想A就A” is applied to express that you can do something totally as you please. Accordingly, you can say这个小张,工作也太不认真了,想来就来,想走就走,从来没准时上下班.

想到哪儿去了is one of the common expressions in daily conversation, which is used to mean the other party should not thing in that way, indicating the other party think it wrongly. The following dialogue is interesting for those who learn Chinese online free to read. 甲:最近怎么老有个姑娘给你打电话?你不是在谈恋爱吧?乙:你想到哪儿去了!他是一家保险公司的业务员,正向我推销保险呢.

When mentioning the expressions to express people’s ideas about something. 想得倒好is also very common which is to mean that somebody’s wish is too idealized to be realizes or it is difficult to realize one’s wish like你想得倒好!要是人人炒股都赚钱,就不会有人赔本跳楼自杀了. Another one that the students who study Mandarin in China should know is 想得倒美 which has the similar meaning with 想得倒好. But it is usually ironical like 加薪?想得倒美!

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