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Chinese Practicing Methods of Translation and Answering Truly

For better Chinese language learning result, foreign students need to use proper methods to practice the language points and consolidate the points learned. Translation is an effective method in practice, including the translation from Chinese language to the mother tongues of the learners and from the native languages to Chinese language. In the actual process, the latter one is much more frequently used. In the overseasChinese language class and the materials provided for foreigners, this method is frequently used but not so often in domestic teaching.

Except for the reason in teaching theory, one important reason is that there are many foreign students in intensive Mandarin course in China come from different countries and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, the method of translation can’t be applied with large scale. Nevertheless, the proper use of translation will definitely promote the students to find the similarities and differences in the expression forms and expression function between both languages.

Of course, there are also some obvious shortcomings in the translation practice. Sometimes, the mistakes made by students are caused by the application of translation method. In addition, since many Chinese expressions can’t be expressed in other languages exactly, depending much on translation will cause bad effects on training students the habit of thinking with Chinese language patterns. However, the translation method applied in advanced level is totally different. The translation we mentioned before is to attract the students to pay attention to the differences between both languages. But the translation in advanced level is usually to train students’ ability of translation.

Another method can be applied to practice Chinese language skill recommended is to answer the questions according to the real conditions. For example, after learning the method of expressing time and emphasizing the application rule that the time should be placed before the verbs, students can practice by asking and answering questions according to the real conditions when they study in China. It can be processed between teacher and student and also between students. The questions can be 你每天几点起床or 你一般几点睡觉.

Since such questions are real and related to the actual life, there are differences when the students answer those questions. Due to the limitation of classroom environment, sometimes it is difficult to design the real answers for some language points. In addition, when designing such questions, the teachers should pay attention to not relate to the individual privacy and cultural differences.

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