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Why It is Incorrect to Say 教室里充满了学生 and 很有书?

In the objective world, we can use the numbers like 1, 2, 3 and 4 to indicate the number of things such as 书、苹果and桌子. However, those who come to learn Chinese in China should know that some things are not allowed to express with those numbers like 水、阳光、欢声笑语、烟味and希望. Accordingly, we call the words of the former type the countable nouns while the latter the uncountable nouns.

In Chinese language, some verbs demand that the objects should be the countable nouns while some are not. For example, the object of 充满should be the uncountable nouns. Accordingly, we can say我们教室里每天都充满了欢声笑语. Since the countable nouns are not allowed after 充满, we should say 教室里坐满了学生instead of 教室里充满了学生. Therefore, when meeting such special words or structures with special requirements on the objects in teaching process, teachers should take some examples to illustrate to help students understand.

In addition, according to the features of things expressed by the nouns, we can divide the nouns into the abstract noun and the concrete noun. During the process when teachers teach Mandarin Chinese, this concept is often mentioned. Some words and structures always have such requirements to the nouns before or after them. For example, the nouns in the structure “很+ 有+ noun” should be the abstract nouns like 我们的汉语老师很有经验.

The meaning of the structure “有+abstract nouns” is a little blur and has the nature of adjectives in application. And the ordinary nouns are not allowed to be used in this structure. It is incorrect to say 我很有书, but to say我有很多书.

Some students who learn Chinese online free may say 他在北京毫无朋友. But it is wrong because 朋友is concrete noun but not the abstract noun. The application of the abstract nouns and the concrete nouns decides we can say 很有能力but can‘t say很有书.

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