There are many different dialects in different places in China. It is difficult to communicate with different languages. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn Mandarin to make our communication smooth, without which we can’t live a standard life.
Here is a popular joke about the dialects in China. A Shanghai people went to Beijing and he ask the server for a kind of water named “面汤水” to wash his face. However, the waiter offered him a bowl of delicious noodle soup. From this joke, those who study Chinese should know the importance of learning Mandarin.
Of course, it is important to learn Mandarin. But before that, students learn Chinese in China should know some background knowledge about the Mandarin. It will be great help for them during the process oflearning Chinese.
As early as more than 2000 years ago, people recognized that a uniform language was needed for social communication. In the Pre-Qin period, there was a kind of unified and standardized spoken language similar to the “Mandarin” named “雅言”. It is recorded that Confucius used “雅言” to read the ancient texts. But learners who study in China should know that it gradually disappeared because there was no promotion for that spoken language in the society.
The Mandarin is the language of the modern Chinese nation and the standard language. It was called “官话” in occasion of the Ming and Qing dynasties. After the 1911 Revolution, it was called “国语” and then renamed as “Mandarin”, which carries the meaning of “general” and “common”. These are some basic history of Mandarin that the students learning Mandarin Chinese should know.
What’s more, in October 1955, the Chinese character reform Conference and modern Chinese standardization Conference clearly defined the standards of Putonghua in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. It is essential for those who want to learn to speak Chinese to know this definition, that is, “with Beijing pronunciation as standard syllable breaks, based on the northern dialects, to model the modern vernacular literature as a grammar specification”.
We can see clearly that Mandarin is based on the northern dialects. But learners who learn Chinese language in China should know that it is not quite equal to the northern dialects. Because it discards some words with strong local color but absorbs the essence of other dialects. Therefore, it is more abundant and perfect than any other dialects.
As a common language and standard language of the modern Chinese nation, Mandarin has a history of its formation and development. To enrich Chinese language learners’ knowledge when they learn Mandarin in China, we will learn some more detailed history about the Mandarin. After the late Tang Dynasty, a new written language based on the northern dialect named “vernacular” appeared. Especially in Song and Yuan dynasties, the vernacular was basically coexisted with the Chinese language at that time.
In Ming and Qing dynasties, with the development of the political, economic and cultural forces, the so called “官话” that based on the northern dialects with Beijing pronunciation as standard syllable breaks was developed too. Then it became a standard and common language recognized by the whole Chinese people gradually.
When you go to Chinese school in China, you will learn that after the Chinese language movement and the new cultural movement, the dominance of the classical Chinese was completely shaken and the Mandarin was basically formed in spoken and written forms. In 1955, Mandarin has achieved legal status of the modern language of Han nationality.
Compared with the different dialects in different places even very near and the complex traditional Chinese language, Mandarin can be understood by people in different places. It is also has close relationship with people’s daily life and similar in spoken language and oral language. Therefore, it is very convenient for people to communicate by using Mandarin. The foreigners in qualified Mandarin program should know that’s the main reason that Mandarin can be accepted by common people and last long.
So there are many regulations carried out by the Chinese government to force teachers should teach with Mandarin at school and everyone should learn Mandarin. And then it can be promoted and developed so rapidly in the whole China.
Therefore, if the foreigners want to learn Chinese in China or travel in China, they should learn some basic Mandarin as a help in their daily life.