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The Great Thinker Laozi with his Taoist Thoughts

The literal sense of Tao was “the path”, and was later developed with the extended-meaning of regulations and standards. It was annotated in the Analytical Dictionary of Characters that: “the so called Tao was originally a path to be taken, and there are several types of roads, only the road that is extended towards a certain direction can be regarded as Tao”. Friends who’d like to learn Chinese in China may find it simple while seeing its literal meaning.

It is simple for students to study Chinese in China that it can be further exemplified with the following cases, e.g. there are something conventional in the revolutions and movements of the heavenly spheres, which were referred to as “Heaven’s ways”.

However, it must be more inscrutable for friends who are going to study Mandarin in China to see that the Tao had been extended to refer to the orbits of the heavenly bodies, as well as the Sun and the Moon, the Taoism of that period had accepted some abstract implications, which leans further toward the scope of regular pattern, the definition of “Heaven’s ways” had been far-stretched that it diverged from the literal meaning.

The philosopher Laozi, who lived during the spring and autumn period of China, was the founder of Taoism. Students who are interested in Chinese culture and would like to learn Chinese in China must be greatly intrigued by the thoughts of Laozi, well, in Laozi’s view, Tao was an absolutely abstract sense, for the first time in history, he proposed the Tao to be a matter in the top philosophical scope, which can be seen as the basic root of the universe.

Readers ready to study Chinese in China must raise this question: “What exactly is the Tao proposed by Laozi?” In Laozi’s consideration, the Tao is an invisible, inaudible, impalpable substance that exists every truly in the universe, they are so phantasmagoric and unpredictable that there is no solid or specific images available to give a best description of it.

Then, to better solve the enigma which confuses the students who are about to study Mandarin in China, here is a further explanation of it, the Tao, as regarded by Laozi, is the origin of the universe. Laozi thinks that their must be an ultimate source of all the things on earth, and since the ultimate source is the Great Mother which could not be one inhabits on the earth.

It is held by Laozi that the everything on earth is perceivable, while the ultimate source should be unperceivable, since the characteristics of invisibility, inaudibility, impalpability, and tasteless, it may seem complex for students who’d like to learn Chinese in China that the nothingness of the Tao would adversely equip it with capabilities of generating the universe, nevertheless, the features of all things springs on the earth are not available.

For friends who’s interested in the Taoist ideologies and are thinking about coming to China and study Chinese in China, the explanation made by Laozi about his understanding of the origin of the universe and the states of Tao.

However, to the amazement of readers who’ve had been considering about starting to study Mandarin in China that the Tao is stilling acting on the universe after generating them.

To better solve the enigma which confuses the students who are about to learn Chinese in China, here is a brief summarization of his ideas on the conditioning of the Tao over the earth. In Laozi’s philosophy, the Tao is an invisible hand that takes control of the world in the darkness with his invisible hand. He also maintains that Tao was not a willed omniscience, but in an objective existence, which demonstrates the materialistic conceptions held by him.

The three characteristics of Tao defined by Laozi may further help readers, who are going to study Mandarin in China, to have a better comprehension. The first of the three characteristics is the objectiveness which is independent of man’s will, and free from the disturbances of other materials; the second one is the quietness and motionless; and thirdly is the characteristic of inactivity, which requires people to accord with nature while realize his self value.

Readers who are cordially welcomed to study Chinese in China can’t miss the law of the unity of the contradictions is a fundamental law of the universe brought forward by the Laozi, which pointed out that the two aspects of one contradictories were in supplementary with each other and were in unity.

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