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Lesson 4 – Advanced – Comprehension Exercise of Chinese Sentences

This free Chinese lesson will help you check your comprehension to Chinese sentences.

Please choose the one which is accordance with the given Chinese sentences:

1. 下周日是植树节。去年植树节的时候我们单位在北京郊区种了一些树,后来我们还经常去给小树浇水。这两天我们又要回去看它们了。希望我们的小树一棵一棵都长得很好。

A 下个星期天是植树节

B 这是我们第一次去植树

C 我们打算去那里植新的树

D 单位组织大家一起去种树

2. 森林是生物种类最为丰富的地方。由于森林受到破坏,数千种动植物物种受到灭绝的威胁。森林正在以每年460万公顷的速度消失。

A 数千种动植物灭绝了

B 森林里动植物的种类很多

C 气温低的地方的动植物的种类多

D 雨水多的地方的动物跑的速度快

3. 为使衣物不掉颜色,我们可以采用下面的方法:一是减少洗衣次数,轻轻洗;二是洗衣服的时候加点盐;三是洗后要马上用清水冲干净,不要使洗衣粉留在衣服中;四是不要在阳光下晒,应放在阴凉通风的地方晾干。

A 洗衣服时要多用点力

B 衣服不能再阳光下暴晒

C 洗衣服的时候都要加盐

D 用洗衣粉洗衣服不容易掉色

4. 有一天,友情和爱情碰面了。爱情问友情:“世上有了我,为什么还要有你的存在?”友情笑着说:“爱情会让人们流泪,而友情的存在就是帮人们擦干眼泪!”朋友会偶尔为你担心、对你关心、替你操心、逗你开心、请你放心。

A 爱情更包容

B 友情比爱情更重要

C 友情能够温暖我们受伤的心

D 友情和爱情不会在两个人之间同时存在


A 茶是一种药

B 中国种茶的不多

C 很长一段时期茶被中国人当药用

D 很早以前人们就知道茶有提神的作用

Here are the analyses provided by our free Chinese lesson:

1. According to the first Chinese sentence, we can know that the answer should be A; this paragraph says that we have been to plant trees on the last Tree Planting Day, which means this is not the first time to plant trees, so B is wrong; we can know from the Chinese sentence “这两天我们又要回去看它们了” that we are not going to plant either new trees or trees, so both C and D are wrong.

2. The Chinese sentence “数千种动植物物种受到灭绝的威胁” in the paragraph and “数千种动植物灭绝” in A are not the same meaning, so A is wrong; the Chinese sentence “森林是生物种类最为丰富的地方” means the same with B; neither C nor D embodies the meaning, so neither of them can be chosen.

3. We can know from the Chinese sentence “减少洗衣次数,轻轻洗” in the paragraph that A is wrong; “不要在阳光下晒” has the same meaning with B, so B is the right answer; the purpose of adding salt is to avoid of color fading, which doesn’t mean that all the clothes should be washed with salt, so C is wrong; the expression of D is not embodied by the paragraph, so D is not proper.

4. According to the Chinese sentences “友情的存在就是帮人们擦干眼泪”, “对你关心”, “逗你开心”, we should choose C.

5. Factual information: A says, “茶是一种药”, while the paragraph says that tea used to be drunk “被当做” a kind of medicine in a long period, so A is not right; B is conflicted with the Chinese sentences in the paragraph; the Chinese sentences in the paragraph “此后的很长一段时期,茶一直被当做药服用” tell us that C is right; the original paragraph “后来人们才知道茶有让人头脑清醒的作用” proves that C is wrong.

Doing this kind of exercise can improve your reading quickly, so try your best please. 

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