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Lesson 2 – Advanced – Exercises for Reading in Mandarin Lessons

Read the paragraph in Mandarin lessons and choose the proper one.

1、 海南省旅游客数量__上升,20年来,__国内外旅游客数量增长25倍,旅游收入增长161倍,旅游业已经发展为支柱产业,同时也为这座城市的房地产的发展提供了__。
A、继续 接见 机遇 B、持续 接待 机会 
C、不断 招待 道路 D、一直 迎接 出路

Read the paragraph in Mandarin lessons and choose the proper one.

2、 放弃其实就是一种选择,我们只有在困境中放弃沉重的负担,才会拥有必胜的__,才使我们走出阴雨绵绵的__,放弃可以另辟蹊径,人生一样会很__!
A 信心 岁月 漂亮 B 想法 时间 美好
C 信念 日子 美丽 C 观念 时候 好过

Read the paragraph in Mandarin lessons and choose the proper one.

3、 北京人称门楼下的左右门枕石“门墩儿”。北京的门墩儿品种和文化内容是极为复杂的。元代有铁狮子胡同,即现在的张自忠路,当时__因为铁狮子而得名,明清时大兴以汉白玉和青石为原料制作的门墩儿十分__。门墩儿艺术是中国民间艺术发展到高峰时期__的一种石雕艺术。
A 真的 出名 组成 B 实在 闻名 成为
C 确实 有名 形成 D 的确 著名 构成

Read the paragraph in Mandarin lessons and choose the proper one.

A 传播 猛烈 构成 B 流传 缺少 组成 
C 传递 激烈 形成 D 传达 剧烈 组合

Read the paragraph in Mandarin lessons and choose the proper one.

A 品行 不足 鼓舞 B 品行 缺少 奖励
C 品德 不够 鼓劲 D 品质 缺乏 鼓励

1、B 2、C 3、C 4、B 5、D

1, For the first blank, choice A “继续” means stop temporarily, then to continue. According to the meaning of the sentence, it should be that the number of the tourists increases without any stopping, so we should dispose the choice A. For the second blank, choice B “接待” means entertaining the visitors, and satisfying their requirements. Choice C “招待” usually contains a meaning of supplying meals. Choice D“迎接” emphasizes to go to someplace to welcome somebody. So the choices A and B are not apt to fill in this blank.. Hence the right choice is b.

2, for the last blank, choice B “美好”and choice c”美丽’ both can be used to modify “人生(life)”,. Choice a and d ,”漂亮”and ”好过” both can not be used to modify it, so we should dispose them. But “阴雨绵绵(rain for a long time )’ can not modify “时间time’. Therefore the right choice is C.

3, for the second blank,”十分quietly” solely modifies adjectives. Choice b “闻名 famousness” can not be used as adjective, we dispose it first. Then shift to the blank three choice c “形成 develop” pays more attention to the process of something’s forming. And the right choice is dc.

4, for the last blank, choice a “构成formation’ emphasizes that the close parts integrate to be a unity. choice b “组成 elements’ emphasizes the independent parts are got together to be a unity, choice c “development 形成” emphasizes that something comes into being through changes. Choice d “组合 consistent” is usually used in the phrase of “consist of”. Is this blank, it emphasizes the relations between the unity and the part, what’s more, the parts should be independent. so the right choice is b

5, For the second blank, based on the structure, it needs a verb, so we can dispose choice A and b. what’s more, choice b “缺少lake” is used for describing the countable things, such as people and particulars. Choice d “缺乏not have” should be with a special object. “勇气courage” is a special noun, so we choose choice d.

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