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Interesting customs of choosing a good son-in-law in ancient China

Equestrian polo was a national spot in the Tang Dynasty. There were enthusiastic fans in all the social ranks, from the emperor to the ordinary people. Some players entered the officialdom because of their excellent performances. A son-in-law was selected according to his skill in playing the equestrian polo. There are a lot of examples of parents choosing spouses for their children in particular reasons. Such stories are favorite themes of folklore. For example, a rich family had a daughter who was seriously ill. The parents were so desperate that they posted a proclamation seeking a man who could cure her.

In the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). Duke Mu of Qin had a daughter called Nongyu, the apple of her father’s eye. Since she was good at playing the Sheng (a traditional Chinese reed pipe wind instrument), she hoped to find a husband who could also play musical instruments. Thus Duke Mu of Qin took this requirement as the prerequisite in choosing his son-in-law. Having searched the whole country, he finally found a young man who lived as a hermit on the Taihua Mountain and was good at playing the xiao (a vertical bamboo flute). In this way, the young man became the duke’s son-in-law.

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