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Chinese relationships

A matchmaker, named Xiang Liu, came to be well known in Beijing. She worked in a hospital and loved to do matchmaking during her spare time. Because of her high success rate, she was interviewed by the papers and asked to talk about her matching experience.

From her information, one can catch a glimpse of some of the vital factors in romantic Chinese relationships. The first key to Chinese relationships requires the man to be generous when dealing with the woman, because it is regarded as a sign of respect and responsibility. On the occasion when a man and woman “click” on their first date and continue to develop their relationship, the next most important is to meet the parents. Xiang Liu has found that the proper etiquette is the most common problem confronting the couple.

For example, it can be as simple as not giving the parents a gift, or giving them a gift that they don’t like. The 2nd key to Chinese relationships is the essential requirement to be in good graces with the partner’s family. The third key is whether the man has money or not, he definitely needs to make sure the woman is pleased with her wedding.

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