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Chinese Pattern 慢走

In order to speak Chinese language more fluently, those who attend to Chinese school to study Mandarin should know more common and understandable expressions. In daily life, you may often say 再见 when you see somebody off. But it is not the only pattern because you can also say  慢走 to see somebody off, which carries the meaning of “to be careful on your way back”. The sentences you often hear might be 那我就不留你了,慢走and 慢走啊,有空常来.

没…的份儿is also one of the important expressions that you should master which is applied to show that somebody is not entitled to a certain benefit or treatment, just like that in the following dialogue. 甲:这么漂亮的蛋糕!是给我买的吗?乙:去!没你的份儿,这是送人的礼物. In some cases, we often use the rhetoric question like 哪有…的份儿 like 这么好的机会,哪有咱们的份儿?

With the same form and carries the similar meaning, 没…的事is usually used by Chinese people to mean something has nothing to do with somebody. The point that the foreign students who learn Chinese online free should notice is that it can be used not only to relieve oneself or comfort somebody like关于昨天打架的事我们已经调查清楚了,没你的事,你可以回去了 but also to show impatience, intending to let somebody free of something or not interrupt something like这个案子根本没他的事,他跟着闹什么呀!

Of course, in the practical use, the foreign learners may often see 没…什么事when they study Chinese language. As a matter of fact, it is just another form of 没…的事with the same meaning and usage. But sometimes it takes the rhetoric form as 有…什么事?For instance, 这是咱们辛辛苦苦研究出来的成果,有他们什么事儿呀?

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