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The Practice of Replacement Teaching Approach in Chinese Language Courses

As for students whose Chinese level is limited, especially for the students who are learning Chinese in China in intermediate or elementary level, it will be difficult for teachers to explain Chinese words or grammar. To solve this problem, teachers can make full use of the language knowledge that students have already learnt in the past Chinese language courses and design easy and brief teaching language according to the meaning of words or grammar to explain for students so that the new knowledge can be understood by students then the teacher can teach by means of replacement teaching approach.

Some of our teachers talked about their experience in teaching Chinese language courses. The replacement teaching approach has been practiced among the students who were learning Chinese in China.

Example one: when teaching the word 再三 to students of Chinese language courses, the teacher designed the following sentences according to the explanation of “再三”——一次又一次地(做某动作).
The teacher asked students of Chinese language courses to think about that with which word can replace the underlined parts in the above sentences.
The teacher wrote new grammar sentence on the blackboard and replace “一次又一次地” with “再三”: 
The teacher then started teaching “再三” in the following Chinese language courses.

Example two: when the teacher was teaching the verb捎 to the students in Chinese language courses, the teacher designed the following sentences according to the meaning of the “捎”——bring something by the way:
The teacher asked students to think that with which word can replace the underlined part at the beginning of the Chinese language courses.
The teacher wrote the new grammar sentence on the blackboard and replace “顺便带” and “顺便买” with “捎”:
The teacher then started teaching “捎”.

Example three: when the teacher was going to teach the phrase “noun/pronoun + 这儿/那儿 (refers to place)” in one Chinese language courses, she firstly designed the following sentences according to the meaning of “noun/pronoun + 这儿/那儿”:
The teacher asked students who were having the Chinese language courses to think that with which word can replace the underlined part.
The teacher wrote the new grammar sentences on the blackboard and replace the underlined parts with “noun/pronoun +这儿/那儿”:
The teacher then started teaching “noun/pronoun + 这儿/那儿”.

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