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Some Skills for Examining Teaching Proficiency

After learning Mandarin Chinese for a semester, teachers should examine the knowledge that the students have mastered. Well, how to examine effectively and precisely is always a problem for many newChinese teachers.

Here the experienced teachers of Chinese school in China will provide some skills on examining the proficiency of classroom teaching.

Teacher can say out or demonstrate a word and ask students who learn Mandarin in China to collaborate the word with other words freely. The words can be attributive, objective, modified word, complement or adverbial modifier. For example,

When the author was teaching in the qualified Mandarin program, she used to ask students to speak out words or complete sentences according to contexts.

The specific method is that teacher sets one context according to the words or grammar which has been taught before and asks students who learn Chinese in China to think about and speak out words which are related with the lesson or complete sentences. This examination method can help students enhance impression on words and usages. For example,
a. 可靠
Context: 他很老实,可以相信他、依靠他。
Then the teacher asks students who learn Mandarin: 这时候可以说他___?
b. 耐烦
Context: 达芬奇开始学画得时候,老师每天都让他画鸡蛋,画了一个又一个。时间长了,达芬奇就开始着急不安,觉得无聊,没意思了。
The teacher asked students: 这时候我们可以说达芬奇____?
c. 念念不忘
Context: 马力总是思念着罗兰,不能忘记。
Question: 马力对罗兰______?
d. 羡慕
Context: 我看到别人有漂亮的汽车,希望自己也有。
Question: 可以说我_____别人?

She also designed several sentences according to Chinese characters, vocabulary and grammar they have learnt to let students who study in China to judge whether the sentence is true or false.

It is quite difficult for overseas students to study Chinese characters. Thus teachers should choose the representative mistakes to remind students according to the real situation of the class.
For example, 千吗 感昌 体息 太夫 很运 令天……

As for words, teachers can list the misusing situations of words found from the homework of students who learn to speak Chinese before:

Teachers can design some judgment exercises for students who learn Chinese language in China to examine their grammars. For example, the sentence with “把” (for students of Chinese elementary level),
我把那个盒子给他。(Give students a right structure of sentence with “把” firstly)
我把爸爸妈妈想。(The objective of “把” should have some influence or consequence because of movement.)
药把她喝了。(The subjective should be the producer of the movement which is represented by the verb.)
请你把一条毛巾递给我。(The subjective of “把”must be designated and “这个” or “那个”can be added in front of it.)
把作业本拿他了。(There must be other components behind verb to indicate the result or influence produced by movement.)

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