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Pin Yi Characters Help You How to Learn Mandarin Chinese

Nowadays there are thousands of characters in the world. And most of them are the alphabetic writing basing on the letters. However, a Chinese character belongs to non-letters type. Not all the students know how to learn Mandarin Chinese also the Chinese characters are Pin Yi characters. Why Chinese character is so distinctive? Alphabets are the outcome in the advance stage according to the prevailing views from the west linguistics. However, if the Chinese characters will be alphabetized? Since the May Fourth Movement period, it has been a hot issue and scholarly difficulty in the world. For more than a century, although innumerable intellectuals and social elites have pondered this difficulty thoroughly, it has not been solved so far.

Recently the writer has put forward a novel academic theory “Pin Yi Chinese characters”: it considers that Chinese character is the unique Pin Yi character which you need to know if you learn Mandarin in China . It is contradict to the alphabetic writing. Therefore it is the miracle of literature in the world. This information will help you to know how to learn Mandarin Chinese. These two kinds of writing systems have conformed to the different scientific laws so that they have different natures in the development of composing the characters. However, both of them develop into a glorious and advance stage.

The basic unit of the human being’s spoken language is the monosyllable. A monosyllable includes a central vowel. And the consonants can be added in front or behind the monosyllable. Set a group of visible alphabetic character to represent the consonants and vowels. Therefore, every syllable in the stream speech sounds can be written down by the alphabets so that it can transform into the alphabetic writing to record the human beings’ spoken language. This theory will explain how to learn Mandarin Chinese.

Pin Yi theory has conformed to the vital theory of semantic network in the psychology and brain science. It was put forward by an American psychologist in 1968. And he has described the fundamental law to express the world knowledge. It is also helpful for the students who want to know how to learn Mandarin Chinese. The theory points out that the concepts in the brain are not isolated. They are connected with other concepts to form a complicated network. One concept can be expressed by the relevant concept. 95% common vocabularies in modern times are the compound words create according to the Pin Yi theory. Therefore, the properties of alphabetic writing is to use the smaller phonetic unit to represent the bigger phonetic unties. However, the property of Pin Yi characters is to use the available semantic units to construct the new semantic units.

At present, there are about 7000 common Chinese characters. Master more characters will help you to understand how to learn Mandarin Chinese more. This suggests that a mature and effective system can be built by at least 7000 common Chinese character. It is useful for the students who learn Mandarin in China . At the same time, they even can not basically express the complicated world without at least 7000 common Chinese character. Taking it as a reference, any spoken language can not be Pin Yi effectively. The basic unit of the spoken language is monosyllable. Due to the limitation of the information processing by the human beings, the human beings only can use 2000 to 3000 monosyllables effectively. And the number of the effective word used by the human beings is far less than 7000 so that it is hard to build enough basic meaning. If using two monosyllables to construct the basic meaning, there will be 4 syllables of vocabulary when two basic meanings are combined together. The vocabulary with 4 syllables may be far more than the disyllable. What’s more, most of the Chinese vocabularies are disyllable. It will make more complicated for the students to understand how to learn Mandarin Chinese. As the true record of phonetics, the alphabetic characteristics can not surpass the limitation of the acoustic signal. So does the Pin Yi characteristics. The Chinese characters have gotten rid of the limitation of phonetics because the Chinese characters take no count of the sound. Therefore, it can take advantage of visual information processing to construct enough character patterns to express the basic meaning so that it can come into being an effective Pin Yi system.

The alphabetic characters have the phonetic similarity of all the languages. At the same time, it has developed into a complete method to record the phonetics. As a symbol of western civilization, it is an extraordinary invention. So does the Chinese characteristics. However, it is totally different the alphabetic characters. Chinese characters are different from the alphabetic characters. Therefore, it could not be alphabetized. The Chinese characteristics have highly scientific. And there is no need to be alphabetized. The Chinese characteristics are the treasure of Hua Xia civilization. And it will company with the Chinese people for ever.

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