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Phoenix is a legendary bird in Chinese myth. It has been regarded as the head of all birds and a symbol of auspice for thousand of years. It is said that social stability usually follows the appearance of a phoenix. The phoenix is described to have a chicken’s head, snake’s neck, swallow’s jaw, tortoise’s back and fish’s tail. It is colorful and about 2 meters tall. It lived on phoenix trees, eating bamboo, drinking spring water, never eating any live insects, never breaking any live grass, and always being followed by other birds. Actually, there has never been such a bird. It originated from a bird totem of ancient China. In “The Book of Songs”, it said the Shang Dynasty (c.1600-c.1100B.C) was founded when a black bird from Heaven came down to the earth. The ancient people named the male phoenix “feng” and the female “huang”. People believed that phoenixes were supposed to be matched with dragons. Now that emperors are the sons of the dragon, empresses are naturally the embodiment of the phoenix.

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