The process of learning knowledge and skills for students is a complex process of the gradual combination of perceptual knowledge and rational knowledge. There are four stages to go or students who study in China, namely, perception, comprehension, consolidation and application. With the development and widely use of the teaching apparatus in most Chinese school in China, the modern educational technology and media booming faster. It lays the foundation to the development of the perceptual knowledge teaching. According to the teaching contents, teachers can design teaching materials by using pictures, videos, and multimedia technology to stimulate students’ interest and thinking styles to help them study Chinese.
Firstly, we can use them multimedia for words teaching. For example, if the content is the text “梁祝”, teacher can choose the film “梁祝” for students to watch. Most students learn Chinese in China would be interested in it. When 梁山伯 and 祝英台 start to fall in love with each other, teacher can pause for a while and ask “他们现在有了爱情,是吗?”. Of course, students will say “是”, then teacher writes down “有了爱情” on the blackboard to lead to “产生爱情”. To attract students’ attention to learn Mandarin, teacher should move on and lead more words and phrases.
We can also apply it to the grammar teaching. The adverbial “……地” is an important point to be learned when you learn Chinese language in China. By using the multimedia, teaches choose relative movie fragments in accordance with the teaching contents.
For example, on the basis of “……地”, teacher begins teaching according to the situation s and lead students to speak the adverbial modifiers of “说”. Here are some sentences for learning Mandarin Chinese.
他 说。(高兴地)
他 说。(生气地)
他 说。(大声地)
他 告诉我。(偷偷地)
他 问。(着急地)
Students can also learn exclamatory sentence by this way. Students can choose some representative buildings or scenic spots that reflect Chinese culture. The materials chose should be so fantastic to make students surprise. For example, when students see the materials like: 北京长城、故宫、西安的兵马俑、黄山, teacher can lead sentences like “太……了!”, “真……啊!”, “多……啊!”, 好……啊!” in the proper time. Then teachers guide students to complete the whole exclamatory sentences. When using this method, teachers should combine the multimedia material with some proper explanation to lead to the teaching contents. This can help them learn Mandarin in China with deep understanding and correct using.
What’s more, the methods of asking questions to the underlying parts can be used to help overseas students to learn to speak Chinese. In the same way, it can be applied to teach words and grammar. Teachers first write down one or more sentences on the blackboard, and underlying some parts of the sentences for questioning. By this way, teachers lead new contents for students to learn Mandarin. For example, the teacher writes down “麦克最近总是忘了带东西、忘了做作业,还经常丢东西。” then teacher should underlying “忘了带东西、忘了做作业,还经常丢东西” to lead to the word “丢三落四” by the question “麦克最近怎么了?”. The following example is illustrated to help students how to learn Mandarin by this method. The teacher writes the sentence “麦克今天坐飞机去上海旅行”, and then underlying “今天”, “上海” and “旅行”. Students are supposed to ask questions to the three words respectively. The question for “今天” should be “麦克什么时候坐飞机去上海旅行?”, “麦克今天坐飞机去哪儿旅行?” for “上海” and “麦克今天坐飞机去上海干什么?” for “旅行”.
With the help of the multimedia, students can learn Chinese quickly because they learn with great interest. And the way of questioning to the underlying parts will train their reaction.