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Lesson 7 – Advanced – The Characteristics of Sentences with Complement of Result

The complement of result is an important grammar point for overseas students to master when they learn Chinese in China. The following parts will discuss the characteristics of the sentences with complement of result.

The first point we learn is the negative forms of the complement of result. For the reason that the complement of result shows whether the actions or change lead a result or not, its negative form has a “没”. Students who learn Mandarin should know that “没” should be placed before the predicate verbs or adjectives. The pattern “没+动词+结果补语” indicates the actions do not lead a result.

The following examples are applied to help students study in China to understand the usage.
① 这个故事我没听懂。
② 还有一次,裁判员没看清楚,判错了。
These two sentences tell us that “听” but “没懂”, “看” but “没清楚”.

One important point students should know to learn to speak Chinese is that only when it is used in the assumption sentences can the complement of result negatives with “不”. For examples, “我不做完练习不去游泳”, “不打到敌人,我们决不停止战斗” and “你要是不把他赶走,后果将不堪设想”.

Another point should be learned is that other component parts are not allowed to insert between the complement of result and the predicate verbs or adjectives. Students who learn Mandarin in China should understand that the dynamic auxiliaries like “了” and “过” can be used after the complements, but “着” is forbidden to use.

What‘s more, the complement of result and “了” and “过” can be followed by objects. Here are some examples illustrated to help students study Chinese:
① 小燕关掉了总闸,好几台机器停产了。
② 明朝统治者为了修建这些陵墓,费尽了劳动人民的血汗。
③ 他从来没打断过别人的发言。

Now, let’s talk some problems about the objects when students learning Mandarin Chinese. In some sentences, the complement of result followed by objects. The objects should be regarded as the objects of the verb-complement phrases but not only objects of the verbs. For example, “他看见了一个人”.

It is this reason that some intransitive verbs can have objects after the complement of result is added. Here are some examples:
① 他跑丢了一只鞋。
② 这件事听了叫人笑破肚皮。
③ 小姑娘哭红了眼睛。
But students who learn Chinese language in China should know that there are differences between with or without objects. Let’s compare the two examples:
① 人人努力搞好生产。
② “四人帮”搞乱了革命和生产。
“搞好生产” has totally different meaning with “搞乱生产”, so we can say the verbs can have relationship with the objects after combing with the complement of result.

Whether the complement of result can have an object is not only related to the mentioned above, but also have relationship with the position of the sentences that include the complement of result. That is to say, even the verb-complement phrases can have object, they should obey the rules of Chinese context. This is often stressed if you attend Chinese school in China.

Now let’s take some specific examples to illustrate how to study Chinese under this rule. Sometimes we need to use the sentence pattern with “把”. Sometimes the object should be placed at the beginning of the sentence, for instance, “那辆自行车他修理好了”.

All above are contents related to the sentence characteristics of the complement of the result, which is important for students to learn when they studying Chinese.

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