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Lesson 7 – Advanced – Distinguishing Groups of Words: 残暴, 残酷, 残忍, 沉重, 繁重, 深重, and 诚实, 诚恳

During the process of learning Chinese language, most foreign learners study in China will meet many synonyms that are hard to tell apart. But actually, the synonymous words are essential to be learned if you want to acquire Chinese language. As a help, this essay will illustrates some groups of similar words to learn.

One group of words often seen in Chinese learning programs is “残暴”, “残酷” and “残忍”. Three of them are functioned as the adjective to describe the cruel actions. “残暴” can be used to describe both people’s temper and the specific actions of damage, suppression and plunder and so on. So we often hear people say “行为残暴” and “残暴的侵略者”.

For “残酷”, it means callous, often used to say the life or environment are very bad. Besides, it can applied to express the specific actions just like that of “残暴”. We can say “残酷无情” and “残酷的压迫”. Foreigners wholearn Chinese in China may be familiar with the word “残忍” which is to emphasize people’s heart or actions are malevolent. For instance, “手段残忍”.

The differences among the words “控制”, “掌握” and “控制” are often explained by teachers in volunteer programs in China. “控制” means “to control” something or somebody by certain power. The object can be both concrete things and the abstract. Here are two examples, “我们要控制人口数量”, “控制石油产量”.

The first meaning of “掌握” is “to master something and put it into use”. What we often use are “掌握知识” and “掌握多种语言”. Another meaning is to hold and grasp, mostly the abstract thing like “掌握时间” and “掌握自己的命运”. Learners who study Chinese should know that it has no relation with “控制” and “操纵” when it carries the first meaning.

When it comes to the word “操纵”, the first level of meaning is to control the machine or instrument. We can say “操纵机器” and “操纵自如”. It has a relatively narrower scope of application. Foreigners who learn Mandarin in China should pay attention to the second level of meaning that to control people often by illegal means. What we often hear is “幕后操纵”.

Another pair of words we need to learn is “取消” and “撤销”. “取消” means to make the original systems, rules, qualifications or rights lose efficacy. For example, “取消不合理的规章制度”. While “撤销” is often used to cancel the duties or positions like “撤销职务”. What’s more, when westerners learn Mandarin Chinese, they should know it also means to take back, often the orders, laws or resolutions like “撤销处分”.

The differences of “繁重”, “沉重” and “深重” are also the difficult and important point. “繁重” means something is excessive and difficult, often used to describe things, works and assignments. Foreigners wholearn Chinese should know that it can’t be used to describe the objects. For instance, “繁重的工作、家务”.

“沉重” indicates something is heavy. It also can express the deep degree or bad mood. So it has wider range than “繁重”. We often say “沉重的负担”. While “深重” implies the situation is very serious. When you study Mandarin Chinese in China, teacher will tell you that it is the written language often used in the disaster, crisis or crime. We often hear “灾难深重” and “罪行深重”.

For the differences of the words “诚恳” and “诚实”, Chinese teacher from summer program in China would tell you that “诚恳” emphasizes the attitude of speaking and doing things, it can be functioned as attribute and adverbial modifier. For instance, “他对人很诚恳”.

However, the word “诚实” stresses the quality of “honesty”. It often describes somebody who does as he says. So we can say “诚实的人”.

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