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Lesson 6 – Intermediate – Views on Acid Taste for Students Who Learn Chinese in China

Thanks to the boom of learning Chinese in China, more and more foreign student fight to learn Chinese in China recent years. Besides, most of them are willing to take the free Chinese lesson in order to learn Chinese in China well. And majority of them believe that with the free Chinese lesson, they have made great progress in their Chinese. This is the Chinese reading for the intermediate students from free Chinese lesson.

酸 味 论

黄 琦




法国葡萄酒的魅力 全在于它里面酸味的程度,少了酸味,在法文里,直接用软弱无力、萎靡不振来形容,好像男人没了英雄气。


课文注释 note on the text for the intermediate students of learning Chinese in China
Aesop’s Fable: the writer: Aesop, who lived in the in the 6th century B.C. in ancient Greek. According to the record, he was a slave of a philosopher. What’s more, he was extremely ugly fable master, but with infinite wisdom.
宝姐姐:《红楼梦》里的薛宝钗。 “宝姐姐” refers to Xue Baochai in Dream of the Red Mansions. 
宝玉:《红楼梦》男主人公贾宝玉。 “宝玉” refers to the hero of Dream of the Red Mansions.
林妹妹:《红楼梦》女主人公林黛玉。 “林妹妹” refers to the heroine of Dream of the Red Mansions.

By learning Chinese in China, it is important to preview the new words from the text in order to have a better understanding of it. 
倒牙 dǎo yá Left-handed screw thread
狐狸 hú li fox
葡萄 pú tɑo grape
美味 měi wèi delicious food
太原 tài yuán Taiyuan
刀削面 dāo xiāo miàn sliced noodles
陈醋 chén cù mature vinegar
名望 mínɡ wànɡ fame and prestige
首推 shǒu tuī introduce
酿酒 niànɡ jiǔ make alcoholic drink
小笼包 xiǎo lónɡ bāo small steamed bun
糖醋鱼 tánɡ cù yú Sweet and sour fish 
作料 zuó liào condiments
增色 zēnɡ sè strengthen
解腻 jiě nì lower oily
提味 tí wèi strengthen taste
奔放 bēn fànɡ uninhibited
豪爽 háo shuǎnɡ outspoken and straightforward
吃醋 chī cù be jealous
厚道 hòu dɑo kind and sincerre
清新 qīnɡ xīn delicate and pretty
惬意 qiè yì pleased
美感 méi ɡǎn sence of beauty

This is the phrases for the intermediate students of learning Chinese in China. During learning Chinese in China, these phrases could help you a lot in communicating with the Chinese people.
成语 惯用语
1. 大煞风景(dà shà fēnɡ jǐnɡ):损坏美好的景色。比喻在兴高采烈的场合使人扫兴。
2. 毫无疑问(háo wú yí wèn) :一点疑问也没有。
3. 回味无穷(huí wèi wú qiónɡ):回味是食物吃过后的余味,引申为在回忆中体会很深。
4. 不可或缺(bù kě huò quē):绝对不可缺少的。
5. 画龙点睛(huà lónɡ diǎn jīnɡ):比喻写文章、说话在关键地方加上精辟的语句,使内容更加生动传神。
6. 软弱无力(ruǎn ruò wú lì):一点力气也没有。 
7. 萎靡不振(wéi mí bú zhèn):精神低迷、意志消沉。
8. 才情横溢(cái qínɡ hénɡ yì):非常有才华。
9. 发痴发呆(fā chī fā dāi):精神恍惚、心不在焉。
10. 恰到好处( qià dào hǎo chù ):不过分、不缺失,刚刚好。

Do the excises after the reading for the intermediate student to learn Chinese in China. 
一、填空(不可或缺 恰到好处 萎靡不振 软弱无力 画龙点睛 )fill in the blanks with the following phrases: 不可或缺 恰到好处 萎靡不振 软弱无力 画龙点睛
1.那篇文章经过老师稍加改动,就起到了( )的作用,突出了主题。
2.那个演员自从出了丑闻之后就( ),不能很好地发挥了。
3.辩论赛中反方的论点 模糊不清,所以他们的反驳显得( )。
4.水是维持生命( )的物质。
5.她准确地把握了人物性格,表演得( ),导演很满意。

二、连线题(将有关系的两项连起来)matching (match the words in the first group with the relative words in another group). Matching will be useful for you when you learn Chinese in China. 
伊索 刀削面
太原 古希腊
林妹妹 酸劲儿
京剧 爱情
吃醋 丑角

三、问答题 answer the following questions. 
1.狐狸认为酸味是美味吗?(Does the fox really enjoy the acid taste?)
2.如果没有酸味会怎样?(How it could be without the acid taste?)
3.酸味最大的特点是什么?(What is the strongest trait of acid taste?)
4.法国葡萄酒要是少了酸味会怎样?(How the French wine could be with the acid taste?)
5.恰到好处的酸味可以给人什么感觉?(What kind of feelings will give you by the appropriate acid taste?)

四、讨论题 Discussion. By learning Chinese in China, have you met something interesting in your daily life, such as the views on the acid food?
你喜欢吃酸味的东西吗?(若喜欢,你喜欢吃哪些酸味的东西?)你身边喜欢吃酸味的食物的人多吗?你觉得吃醋的女人可爱吗?Do you like to eat the sour foods? If you like it, what kind of sour food do you like? Are there many people who like the sour food around you? Do you think that the jealous women are cute?

答案 answers
一、画龙点睛 萎靡不振 软弱无力 不可或缺 恰到好处
二、伊索—古希腊 太原—刀削面 林妹妹—酸劲儿 
京剧—丑角 吃醋—爱情
1.狐狸不认为酸味是美味。The fox doesn’t believe that the acid taste is delicious.
2.没有酸味的话,世间很多味道都会大煞风景。Majority of foods in the world would turn into boring without the acid taste.
3.酸味最大的特点是配合其他味道,为它们增色。The strongest trait of acid taste is to make the other taste more delicious together with them.
4.法国红酒少了酸味就没有魅力。The French wine could not be charm any more without the acid taste.
5.给人清新、惬意和美感。The acid taste makes people feels like refresh, cozy and pleasant. 
吃醋的女人很可爱,她们是因为爱才会吃醋,说明爱得很深。很可爱的表现。The jealous women are cute. They become jealous because of their deep love.
吃醋的女人不可爱,有些女人不讲道理胡乱吃醋,不问清楚原因就胡搅蛮缠,这样子的女人不可爱。The jealous women are not cute because some of women became jealous without any reasonable reason. 
所以,吃醋也要恰到好处、适可而止。Thus, it is better not to be jealous too much.

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