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Lesson 5 – Advanced – Choose the Right Zhongwen Sentence from Four Choices According to the Given Paragraph

Today our free Chinese lesson will provide some brief reading exercise for students who want to learn zhongwen online for free.

To learn zhongwen better, you should have the ability of Chinese comprehension. The following exercise needs you to choose the right expression from the four choices according to the zhongwen paragraphs given.

1. 上网对青少年来说不完全是一件好事。现在,青少年用于上网的时间越来越多,据调查,青少年用户平均每周上网时间500分钟左右,如果平均到每日,约70分钟左右。上网的青少年中,玩游戏者占62%,使用聊天室者占54.5%,这些都大量的浪费了学生的时间。





2. 两个相爱的人最初走在一起的时候,对方做一件很小的事情,另一方就会很感动。后来,他(她)要做很多的事情,对方才会感动。再后来,他(她)要付出更多更多,对方才肯感动。知足方能品味爱情真谛。





3. 司马台长城是明朝是修建的,距今四百多年,也是至今保留得最完整的一段明长城,但不是最古老的长城。长城并不是某一个特定的时间修建好的,最早的长城两三千年以前就有了。





4. 有一只北极熊和一只企鹅一起玩。企鹅把身上的毛一根一根地拔了下来,拔完以后,对北极熊说:“好冷哦!”北极熊听了,也把自己身上的毛一根一根地拔了下来,转头对企鹅说:“果然很冷!”




D 北极熊先把自己的毛拔下来了

5. “全国十二个,人人都有一个是什么?”我想了想,应该是十二生肖。古时候的中国人为了方便记住记住自己的出生年份,就找来了十二种动物来代替。





The following analyses provided by our free Chinese lessons are references for you to understand the five zhongwen paragraphs.

1. This paragraph gives lots of statistics to indicate that the percentage of youth who spend lots of time on surfing internet, playing games and chatting online is high, so surfing internet, playing games and chatting online take much time of them. therefore the right answer is D; A means the contrary with the original zhongwen paragraph; from the sentence “上网的青少年中,玩游戏者占62%,使用聊天室者占54.5%”, we can know that C is wrong;

2. The last sentence “知足方能品位爱情真谛” is the conclusion for this zhongwen paragraph, so we choose B; both A and C are not embodied by the given paragraph; according to the first sentence “两个相爱的人最初走在一起的时候,对方做一件很小的事情, 另一方就会很感动”, we can know that D is wrong.

3. According to the first zhongwen sentence, we can know that A is right; judging from “最早的长城两三千年以前就有了”, we can know B is wrong; C is not embodied by the paragraph; from the zhongwen sentence “但不是最古老的长城”, we can guess that D is wrong.

4. This paragraph is a small zhongwen joke which tells that the polar bear imitates what the penguin does and feels cold after pulling up his hair, so B is right; from the paragraph we can know that the polar bear and penguin feel cold, therefore the weather should be quite cold, so A is wrong; C is contradict with the penguin’s words “好冷哦”; this paragraph says that it is the penguin who pulls up hairs first, so D is wrong.

5. The last sentence indicates that 十二生肖are twelve animals, so A is wrong; B is not appropriate, for this paragraph is not telling the hobby of people; C is the thesis sentence, so it is right; D is contradicted with the paragraph.

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