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Lesson 4 – Advanced – Difference between “隐蔽”, “隐藏”, and “隐瞒”

This free Chinese lesson will help students learn Chinese words. When you are learning Chinese words, you may have probably found that the three words隐蔽 隐藏 隐瞒 are quite similar. The following discrimination between the three words concluded by the teacher will help you learn Chinese words.1

1、 隐蔽:V. hide oneself with the help of other things(conceal; take cover)
Here we have some model sentences for you to learn Chinese words in context.
Adj. not easy to be discovered(hidden;covered)
attention:1)other things must be made use of to hide oneself
2)it can be used on specific person or thing
3)there is no object behind it

2、 隐藏:V. hide and not let something be found by others(hide)
Please pay attention to the following points in the process of learning Chinese word “隐藏”:1)hide something in order to not be discovered by someone else
2)it can be used on specific person or thing as well as the abstract thing
3)object can be used behind it
Words discrimination: 隐蔽枪支是犯法的。(×)
Analysis: there is object behind the word “隐蔽”. And other things are not be made use of. Thus this sentence is not right.

这个秘密他隐蔽了很多年了。(×)“秘密”is abstract and it has object which is brought forward 

Through the comparison of the two words in specific sentences, your learning Chinese words will be easier.

3、 隐瞒:V. hide the truth in order to not be discovered by others(conceal)。
attention:1)hide the truth so that others won’t know it
2)it is mostly used on abstract things 
3)object can be used behind it
These two words “隐蔽” and “隐藏” will always misused by the students who are learning Chinese words. The following words discrimination can help your comprehension: 他隐蔽了事情的真相。(×) the object “真相” is used behind“隐蔽” and“真相” is abstract. Hence this sentence is wrong.
他隐藏了事情的真相。(×) “真相”is hidden. The real consequence is not supposed to be known by others. It should use“隐瞒”. Therefore, this sentence is wrong.
他隐瞒了事情的真相 。(√)
这个秘密他隐瞒了很多年了。(×)“隐瞒”a kind of truth so that others won’t find it. Here the thing which is “秘密”. So this sentence is wrong. 
To learn Chinese words better, the real context is quite important and helpful for your comprehension and memory.

The exercise provided by our free Chinese lessons will help you check yourself and learn Chinese wordsbetter:
隐藏 隐瞒 隐蔽
1、 这个小山村__________多商机,我要到这里来发展事业。
2、 传说那个山洞里__________了很多的金银财宝。
3、 你得把你知道的都说出来,一点都不要__________。
4、 这个地方很__________,你先在这里藏着,等一下我来找你。
5、 这么__________的地方你都找得到,我真是不敢相信。

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