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Lesson 22 – Intermediate – What is the Meaning of …, 相反…?

If we regard the Chinese language as a house, the numerous important language points should be the frame of the house before being completely constructed. Therefore, the Chinese language learners should realize the importance of the grammar points. For example, when you see 与/和 A相比,B… in Chinese sentences, you should know this structure indicates the meaning that B has some characteristics in certain aspects when comparing to A. The latter part is usually placed with the meaningful words. You can make sentence like 与北方人相比,南方人更喜欢喝茶.

Another important point that the foreign students often come across during the period when they learn Chinese language is 毕竟, which is an adverb to emphasize the reason or feature. Usually, it is placed before verb, adjective or subject. For instance, 他虽然品学兼优,可毕竟还年轻,处理问题还是不够老练. If you pay much attention, you can feel it is the same with “after all” in English.

In one sentence, it is possible to see the two clauses express the opposite meanings. In this case, the structure …, 相反…  might be helpful. Here 相反is applied to connect two clauses, indicating the gradual transition. You can say吃药后,他的病不但没有好,相反更严重了. In addition, if you meet the pattern 以…为主, you should know in indicates certain aspect take a relatively large proportion in certain field. For example, 这次展出的汽车以国产车为主.

The last but not least important grammar point that the teachers often emphasize when they teach Mandarin language is 轻则…重则…, which is to illustrate one thing could bring some kind of bad effect. A typical example is 畜牧业过度发展,轻则会破坏草场,重则会造成严重的沙漠化, from which you can see that the party after 轻则is the subsequence not so serious while the result after 重则 is relatively serious. Usually, the character 会is collocated with this structure. 

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