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Learn Chinese Popular Pattern 巴不得呢

One important thing for learning Mandarin Chinese better is to know more common sentence structures and put them into practical use after understanding the meanings. For example, you may often hear Chinese people say 巴不得呢, which is really confusing to you. As a matter of fact, it often applied to indicate that something is seemingly not favorable to somebody, but actually it is just what one whishes just like indicated in the dialogue: 甲:听说最近人事调整,不让你做主任了,你心里一定不痛快吧?乙:我正巴不得呢,其实我早就不想干了.

Another pattern you should understand is 把…放在一边, which carries the meaning that it is not going to do something temporarily or not to consider it. Accordingly, you can say你们先把手头的事放在一边,都到外面去卸货. There is another condition, when the receiver acts as the subject, the pattern can be used in the form of “…先放在一边”. For instance, 员工假期安排的事先放在一边吧,我现在实在是没空儿.

During the process when you study Chinese in China, you may sometimes quarrel with your friend and maybe you want to prove you are right. At this time, the sentences of the structure 把话放在这儿may help. This pattern implies that some behaviors of somebody will definitely lead to unsatisfactory results like不经过市场调查就贸然投资,能行吗?我把话放在这儿,总有一天你会后悔的.

If you use this structure when you learn Mandarin, you should pay attention to three points. Firstly, it is usually used in the first person. Besides, it carries the tone of warning. And what is going to be warned is often put after this phrase. Sometimes, 把话放在这儿 can be put at the end of sentence as complement. For example, 你这么一意孤行,不会有什么好结果的。我把话让在这儿.

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