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Leaning Chinese Expressions Showing Dissatisfaction 凭什么

If you intend to have a better understanding of Chinese language and communicate with Chinese people easily, you should learn some frequently used oral Chinese expressions during the period when you study in China. For example, when you hear your Chinese friends say凭什么, you should know it is applied to question the reason of doing something in this way or the source of a certain saying. For example, you may often hear people say你凭什么这么说?

Of course, before you use this expression, you should pay attention to the tone so that to apply properly. It carries the tone of dissatisfaction or indignation. Here is a dialogue to illustrate this point. 甲:听说下一批裁员名单里有你。乙:凭什么?我是公司的老职员了,裁谁也不该裁我呀!

When mentioning the tone of dissatisfaction, the foreign learners who attend to school to study Mandarin should learn another expression岂有此理, which is also commonly used. The meaning of this structure is “how can it be like this” or “what nonsense”. It also carries the tone of dissatisfaction, and sometimes scolding. For instance, 甲:老师,这种随堂测验也不是很重要,您随便给个分数得了。乙:岂有此理!这么做不是害你们吗?

Another oral expression you should know is瞧你, which is also applied to show that someone is dissatisfied with the other’s speech acts. For instance, 瞧你,那么大的人了,连饭都不会做. Sometimes, it has the tone of complaining. In addition, it can be expressed as看你 like看你,把我的衣服弄脏了!

瞧你说的is a little similar to the previous one. When we use it, we often meant to think what the other party said inappropriate. Students who learn Chinese online free should know the tone is mild when used between acquaintances or friends. Sometimes, it shows to be polite to the others when they apologize or extend thanks. It can also used as看你说的. For instance, 看你说的,咱们是邻居,相互帮忙是应该的.

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