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An Authentic Chinese word: yellow

In the Chinese language, “黄色” (huáng sè) means “yellow”. However, the meaning of “黄色电影huáng sè diàn yǐn?”, “电影” means “film”. The whole phrase doesn’t mean “yellow films”, which is a confusing phrase. Actually it means “pornographic movie”. And “黄金huáng jīn” refers to the golden. So how about the meaning of “黄金周huáng jīn zhōu” (周—week)?

In China, during the May 1st to May 7th (it changes to three days later) and October 1st to October 7th, Chinese people enjoy the holiday of the Labor Day and the National Day, so people can enjoy the resting time, and it is very popular for them to go traveling, and many traveling hot destinations will prepare the traveling boom during the two weeks, which are called “golden week—黄金周”. Chinese mother river—the Yellow River, is called “黄河—huáng hé”.

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