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Apprenez le chinois en Chine avec Keats School

Learn Tang poetry
Dec 21 2014

Price: Cost: free      free tea

Where: Keats Lounge

WHAT: Learn Tang poetry

Who: Students and Teachers


The Tang poetry is a precious part of the Chinese Han culture. Its history dates back more than one thousand and two hundred years. The Tang poetry influences the culture of China and its surrounding countries. We can learn a lot about ancient Chinese culture through Tang poetry.  Let’s study them together.

Learn Tai Chi
Dec 14 2014

Price: Free

Where: Meet at Keats school first and then walk to the park nearby

WHAT: Learn to Play Tai Chi

Who: Students and Teachers


Tai Chi is a unique part of China’s cultural heritage. It is related to Confucianism and Taoism. Tai Chi is based on Chinese philosophy. Tai Chi is not only good for a healthy body, but also good for a healthy mind. It can help you relieve stress and increase your patience. Nowadays, Tai Chi is growing more and more popular in the world. Please join us!! 

Daytrip to Yunnan Wild Animal Park
Dec 7 2014

Price: Cost: 65      Bus:4RMB

Where: Meet at school and take bus to the Yunnan Wild Animal Park

WHAT: Visit Yunnan Wild Animal Park

Who: Students and Teachers


Yunnan wild animal park is about 10 km away from Kunming city center. It is near the Golden Temple. The park is very large.  There are over 200 kinds of animal there.  Some animals are unique to Yunnan, such as red panda, gold monkey, green peafowl etc . You can choose to take tourist car or go by foot in the park. Bring your camera and join us!

Learn Calligraphy
Nov 30 2014

Price: Free

Where: Keats Lounge

WHAT: Learn Calligraphy and have some nice tea

Who: Students and Teachers


Calligraphy is one of China’s Han population’s traditional arts. Chinese people use a calligraphy brushes to paint very vivid and beautiful images. Besides Chinese people, many foreigners are attracted to calligraphy. Practising Calligraphy has many benefits, not only does it allow people to write beautiful Chinese characters, most importantly it allows people to develop their patience. If Chinese calligraphy is one of your hobbies, your life will become more rich and colourful. Let’s practice calligraphy together!

Nov 23 2014

Price: Cost: 50       Bus:2RMB

Where: Meet at Keats school and take bus to a BBQ resturant

WHAT: Have some nice BBQ with your schoolmate

Who: Students and Teachers


Everyone who comes to Kunming knows that life in Kunming is relaxed in particular friends often eat barbeque together. Barbeque stalls are often located outside and friends will sit around a table together. They can try barbequing themselves or ask the staff to assist them instead. They have all sorts of meat and vegetable dishes they can try together. Eating together, drinking together, talking with friends is a very enjoyable experience. Let’s all go for barbeque together! 

Daytrip to Tea Market
Nov 16 2014

Price: Cost: free      Bus:2RMB

Where: Meet at Keats school 16th floor and take bus there

WHAT: Visit Tea Market and enjoy some nice tea

Who: Students and Teachers


Chinese tradition of tea drinking has a long history. If Chinese family receives guests, as a matter of politeness they will always offer tea. When giving gifts, tea leaves have also been a historically popular choice. The tea of Yunnan province is one of China’s most famous types of tea, for example Puer tea which not only taste great but also has health benefits. We will go to tea leaves market, not only can you buy all types of tea leaves, you can also taste samples for free! Join us on our visit to the tea leaves market and do not miss out the opportunity to learn about Chinese tea tasting culture!

Daytrip to Green lake Park
Nov 9 2014

Price: Cost: free      Bus:2RMB

Where: Meet at Keats school first, and then take bus to Green lake Park

WHAT: Visit Green lake Park

Who: Students and Teachers


Green Lake is one of Kunming iconic sites. As it is located in the city center, Green Lake has become the first choice for Kunming’s residents to relax, rest and exercise. Green Lake is also a place for celebrating folk culture where you can see many of the older generation playing tai chi, dancing to traditional Yunnan‘s minority cultures dances, singing folk songs as well as many young artists practicing painting. You can also buy a few delicious local snacks. If you would like to better understand Kunming’s folk culture and the life of ordinary Kunming people, join us as we visit Green Lake!

Paper – cut
Nov 2 2014

Price: Free

Where: Keats Lounge

WHAT: Learn paper-cut

Who: Students and Teachers


Red paper cutting is one of China’s Han population’s most ancient cultural tradition. Chinese people at Chinese New Year, enjoy cutting all types of red paper stencils including animals, children, Chinese gods among various other images. Once cut, the red paper stencils are attached window, doors and walls of the house. They represent happiness, good luck and fortune.  If you are interested in paper cutting, we invite you to join us in learning how to cut paper together! Red paper stencils are an excellent gift for friends and family.

Heilongtan Park
Oct 26 2014

Price: Cost: 20       Bus:2RMB

Where: Meet at Keats school and take bus to Heilongtan Park

WHAT: Visit Heilongtan Park

Who: Students and Teachers


Heilongtan Park is one of must-go parks in Kunming. “Heilong” means black dragon and “Tan” means pool. Local people believe that there is a huge dragon live deep inside. Because a half of that pool is full of clean water, but the water of another half is yellow. So Kunming people thought the dragon is swimming in the yellow water.  If you don’t go there to witness by yourself, you will not believe it. In autumn, Kunming people will also go there to appreciate flowers exhibition. Now there are many flowers is blooming. Let’s go to visit this wonderful park together.

Buffet dinner
Oct 19 2014

Price: Cost: 70       Bus:2 RMB

Where: Meet at Keats school and take bus there

WHAT: Enjoy a nice dinner with your schoolmates

Who: Students and Teachers


Haolunge Buffet Restaurant is one of top buffet restaurants in Kunming. They offered hundreds of Chinese foods and western foods. Kung Pao Chicken, roast duck, fry fresh vegetables, soups, pizzas, bacon, French fries, pasta, and so on. You can enjoy your favorite foods in a very comfortable environment. It is located in city center and after having dinner, you can walk around city center to enjoy the beautiful night in Kunming.




Stew testimonial for keats chinese school

Stew | Angleterre


L’école est très cool. Nous sommes nombreux dans ma classe, donc venir est très agréable. C’est amusant, nous avons beaucoup de discussions, de jeux et d’activités. Nos professeurs sont très bons et très solidaires. Apprendre le chinois est intimidant au début car vous vous posez tellement de questions. Mais je conseillerais de venir à Keats car l’ambiance et leurs manières d’enseigner est excellente. C’est très relaxant. Je recommande cette école.

Aliza testimonial for keats chinese school

Aliza | USA


Je suis tellement contente d’avoir trouvé l’école Keats . Ici, on s’occupe pleinement de vous. Mon professeur est vraiment génial et nous sommes devenus de bon amis.

Filbert | Indonésie


Avant de venir à Keats, je n’avais aucune confiance en mon chinois. Je n’avais pas la confiance nécessaire pour discuter avec des Chinois. Cependant, 4 mois d’études à Keats, mon rendu de plus en plus confiant pour parler chinois. Étudier le chinois à Keats School a été une des meilleures décision que j eu prise. Dans la classe nous jouons à beaucoup de jeux et les méthodes d’enseignement de mon professeur sont très intéressantes. Cette expérience à l’école Keats a changé ma vision de la Chine et des Chinois.


Richard testimonial for keats chinese school

Richard | Angleterre


C’est la deuxième fois que je viens. L’année dernière, j’étais venu environ 12 semaines. Cette fois, je suis venu 13 semaines. La raison pour laquelle je veux particulièrement venir dans cette école sont les cours individuels. J’ai pu augmenter mon niveau et apprendre plus rapidement que les cours collectifs. Si j’ai la chance de revenir l’année prochaine, je le ferai certainement.

Paul | Angleterre


Tous les professeurs sont adorables. Le niveau d’enseignement à Keats est tellement plus élevé. J’adore vraiment la ville. Il est très confortable de se déplacer. Je recommande vivement Keats. C’est un endroit formidable. Nous avons hâte de revenir plus tard cette année.

Jope testimonial for keats chinese school

Joep | Pays-Bas


Je suis retourné à l’école Keats 4 fois maintenant. Les raisons qui me font revenir dans cette école sont les enseignants et leurs méthodes pour voir quelles sont vos compétences. Ils savent à quel niveau vous vous trouvez et cela peut s’appliquer à tout le monde. Je prévois de revenir dans cette école pour les 5 à 10 prochaines années.

Robert testimonial for keats chinese school

Robert | Pays-Bas


Depuis le semestre dernier, nous avons commencé à étudier le chinois à Keats. C’était le meilleur choix que nous aillons fait. C’est une très bonne école. Les cours sont très amusants, vous apprenez beaucoup et c’est très interactifs, donc vous parlez beaucoup ce qui signifie qu’il ne s’agit pas seulement de livres et d’écriture. Kunming est une ville vraiment agréable, surtout si vous la comparez à d’autres villes de l’est. Si vous aimez voyager, si vous aimez étudier le chinois de manière ludique, Keats est fait pour vous.

Mike | Australie


Je pense que Kunming est une ville formidable, Le temps est super tout les jours. J’aime beaucoup l’école Keats et je l’ai trouvée très organisée. Les professeurs ici sont très bons. Ils ont un café et de nouvelles salles de classe, un lounge, afin que vous puissiez vous détendre avec vos amis ou pratiquer votre chinois  avec les autres. je vous recommande vraiment de venir étudier à Keats. Je pense que ce sera une expérience formidable pour vous.

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