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Belajar bahasa Cina di Cina dengan Keats School


Updates about Keats School and Recent COVID Situation

Hi! All Keats students and followers, we hope you have been doing well in 2021. How time flies! It’s already in the middle of the year. Let’s have a look at some updates about Keats School and also news about the COVID situation here in Kunming Yunnan together!

  • Keats School is still running properly and normally

Though there are limitations of parts of the after-class activities in the school and our branch locations, all of our language programs are open for registration and running normally as usual in Kunming, the headquarter.

Yunnan province is not affected by the COVID-19 situation over the Guangdong area. People are still living a normal life here and all social activities are running as usual.

All Mandarin learners are very welcome to enrol in our language course, including the Intensive One-on-one Chinese program, Small Group Chinese Class (the only session of small group class for beginners this summer, duration limited from July 4th to 31st), HSK test preparation courses, online Chinese lesson, customized Chinese program, Children Chinese program, Study + Tour program and Study + Volunteer program. These language programs are all open for application.

Especially in this coming summer vacation, we will welcome a group of students to enjoy a relaxing summer language program at the same time.

If you’re working in China currently and you’re looking for a cooler place for summer vacation, you cannot miss the chance of visiting Kunming Yunnan and study Mandarin Chinese at Keats School.

  • There is not only high-quality Chinese course but also amazing touring destinations

Kunming is the provincial capital city of Yunnan province that boasts the mildest climate in China during the summer season. By learning Chinese in Kunming, you can get rid of scorching heat and high humidity.

Countless famous touring attractions here are waiting for your exploration after completing the study plan. Dali, Lijiang, Shangri-La, Tengchong, Puzhehei, Stone Forest, Jianshui, Yuanyang and Xishuangbanna, etc. Trips in these destinations allow you experience both amazing landscapes and various ethnic minority groups’ culture in Yunnan.

By studying Chinese at Keats School and travelling in Yunnan, you will definitely love and enjoy your time here and might be coming back again in the future.

  • New students dormitory and classroom are put into use this summer

Well equipped with private bathroom and facilities, Keats School dormitory has another 7 well-furnished student’s rooms are ready to put into service this summer! You can enjoy free high-speed WIFI in your room. Every student can enjoy one time of free room cleaning service every week.  A full set of room service is also available if required.

On the teaching floor, there are another 6 new classrooms ready to put into use for having the online Chinese lesson.

Other Keats facilities, the Keats Fitness centre, Keats time cafe, Keats Cafeteria, Keats Library and Keats Meeting room are all in good maintenance.

Keats School is always dedicated to providing the most comfortable learning environment for all Keats Students.

We’re ready to bring the best Mandarin learning experience for you. How about you?

  • Updates about the student visa application

At the moment, China is still very careful about visa issuing.

Only international employees who are required to back to China for resuming working or business can apply for a valid visa such as a working visa and business visa.  The border will not be open until most Chinese people get vaccinated. That is to say, there is a great possibility when over 1 billion of the Chinese population have vaccinated successfully (approximately equal to 2 billion doses of the vaccination), the border could reopen and international students may apply for a student visa again.

As of June 8th, 2021, China has reported a total of 80,8962,000 doses of the new coronavirus vaccine. And it is estimated that the goal of 2 billion doses of the vaccination can be completed at the end of the year. At Keats School, all of our teachers and staff have completed two doses of vaccines. We are working on helping our international students to have vaccination as well if they are willing to take the Chinese vaccine.

The earliest possible time to come to China might be early next year when the winter Olympics will be held in China.

We are excited about what we achieved in the past several months and also looking forward to the rest months of this year. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 last year, many of us have experienced a tough time, but we all survived and we got it through eventually.

Keats School will get fully ready to bring the top-quality Chinese course to our students as always do. No matter where you come from, who you are, only if you’re passionate about learning Chinese and studying Chinese culture, you will be always welcome to join the elite Mandarin community of Keats School!

We will be here for you!

During this special time that you cannot travel over to Kunming, China, why don’t you follow our social media account to receive daily short videos about Chinese learning? So that you can warm up your Chinese a little bit every day and learn interesting tips and facts about the Chinese language.

Facebook: @keatschinese

Twitter: Learn Chinese

Quora Space: Keats Chinese

Tumblr: keatschinese


YouTube: Keats Chinese School

WeChat Channel: Keats Chinese

If you want to form a regular learning routine even before travelling to China, you can also sign up for our popular Online Chinese lesson program. You can enjoy great flexibility and convenience by attending this online Chinese lesson while staying at home. All of the learning content can be customized based on your learning demand. You can lay a good language foundation before you actually have the immersive learning experience in China, which will help you smooth your transition and reduce cultural shock when you actually being here in China.

Apakah anda siap
untuk mengambil langkah selanjutnya
di masa depan anda?

Mari Cari Tahu


Mike | オーストラリア

Kelas Grup Kecil Bahasa Mandarin

Saya pikir Kunming adalah kota yang hebat, cuacanya sangat bagus. Saya sangat menyukai sekolah Keats dan merasa sangat terorganisir. Guru di sini sangat baik. Mereka memiliki kedai kopi dan ruang kelas baru, ruang tunggu baru di sini sekarang, sehingga Anda dapat bersantai dengan teman-teman Anda dan melatih bahasa Mandarin Anda dengan penduduk asli. Jika Anda sedang mempertimbangkan untuk datang ke Keats untuk belajar, saya akan sangat merekomendasikannya. Ini adalah tempat terbaik untuk belajar bahasa Mandarin dan menurut saya ini akan menjadi pengalaman yang luar biasa untuk Anda.


Jade | UK & Mauritius

Kelas Grup Kecil Bahasa Mandarin

Saya pikir lingkungan belajar bahasa Mandarin di sini sangat bagus. Metode pengajarannya juga sangat interaktif dan menyenangkan. Yang paling saya nikmati di sini adalah kenyataan bahwa guru saya tidak berpegang teguh pada buku teks. Kami menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk membahas topik umum, seperti budaya China, berita dunia, ekspresi khas yang digunakan oleh masyarakat setempat. Kami juga membahas topik sosial dan ekonomi.

Hitanshu | UK

Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Tidak masalah level bahasa Mandarin yang Anda miliki, atau bahkan Anda dapat memulai dari level nol. Guru Anda akan mempersiapkan pelajaran sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Keuntungan tinggal di sekolah adalah Anda akan mendapatkan bimbingan belajar, Anda akan mendapatkan akomodasi pribadi dengan kamar mandi Anda sendiri dan semua makanan disediakan. Saya sangat menyarankan semua orang untuk benar-benar mengambil seluruh paket karena Anda bisa bertemu dengan siswa lain.

Kristen | Canada

Kelas Grup Kecil Bahasa Mandarin

Saya sangat menikmati kursus bahasa Mandarin di China di Keats dan bertemu dengan para guru di sini dan para siswa. Kami bersenang-senang di kelas. Ini adalah sekolah yang sangat bagus untuk belajar dengan metode pengajaran yang baik dan buku teks yang sangat bagus, contoh dan permainan, dan segalanya.

Josephine | Indonesia

Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Menurut saya Keats adalah salah satu sekolah bahasa terbaik yang pernah saya kunjungi. Guru saya adalah orang yang luar biasa. Dia sangat pandai mengajar. Dia membuat kelas menjadi menyenangkan. Saya telah belajar banyak kosakata selama saya di sini. Saya sangat merekomendasikan datang untuk belajar bahasa Mandarin di Sekolah Keats.

Richard | UK

Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Ini adalah kedatangan saya yang kedua kali. Tahun lalu, saya juga datang sekitar 12 minggu. Kali ini saya datang selama 13 minggu dari program musim panas di China. Alasan mengapa saya sangat ingin datang ke sekolah ini adalah karena kelas tatap muka. Saya dapat meningkatkan level saya dan belajar bahasa Mandarin lebih cepat daripada di kelas berkelompok. Jika saya memiliki kesempatan lagi untuk datang tahun depan, saya pasti akan melakukannya.

SJOERD | Netherlands

Kelas Grup Kecil Bahasa Mandarin

Kami menggunakan banyak permainan untuk mempelajari tata bahasa dan kata-kata baru. Kami memiliki guru yang sangat baik, sangat sabar. Dia banyak membantu kami. Kelas kami sangat bagus dan kami memiliki orang-orang dari seluruh dunia, negara yang berbeda. Kami sering mendiskusikan topik dalam bahasa Mandarin di kelas kami. Saya tinggal di asrama Keats. Sangat nyaman. Saya tidak perlu menghabiskan waktu bepergian. Anda bisa fokus belajar bahasa Mandarin.

Faith | UK

Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Saya memiliki 2 guru, dan saya mengerjakan 4 jam sehari. Jadi saya punya Dong Laoshi dan Jin Laoshi. Keduanya sangat bagus. Mereka membuat pengalaman itu sangat menyenangkan bagi saya. Mereka bersedia membantu Anda kapan saja, jadi jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan di sini, para guru selalu ada untuk membantu Anda apakah itu visa, apakah itu berkeliling kota. Semua orang ingin berbicara dengan Anda.

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