How to Recognize Homographs in Chinese Language?
November 8, 2013
The homographs are the words with the same form but different in part of speech and meanings. Teachers would tell you to understand it as the words seem the same one but actually they are..
Learn MoreTeaching Chinese with Methods of Simplification and Implication
November 8, 2013
During the process of teaching Chinese, some teachers may find that some contents can be understood by students through tones and expressions without detailed explanation. That is to say, we can teach Mandarin Chinese by using..
Learn MoreWhy Foreign Learners Always Say 老师as 老西or 老司?
November 8, 2013
For those overseas students who often speak 老师as老西and老司, they must be fail to master the pronouncing features of s, sh and x in Chinese Pinyin. When articulating s, the students who learn Mandarin need to know the..
Learn MoreDifferences of Word Stress between Mandarin and English
November 8, 2013
For some English speaking learners who come to China for Chinese language learning, they may think there is no word stress in Chinese language, which is proved to be wrong. There are two reasons to..
Learn MoreConfucius Chinese Classrooms in Pakistan
November 8, 2013
A piece of news comes from teachers in Mandarin learning courses that on the afternoon of November 25, the “Confucius Classroom” from the Pakistani Broadcasting, which is made by China Radio International, has held a “Chinese culture”..
Learn MoreSuccessful Phonetic and Sentence Patterns Teaching in Mandarin
November 7, 2013
It should be assured that the phonetic teaching of Chinese at present is basically successful. As the beginning of Chinese language learning, the speech sound should be mastered in the first step. As a result,..
Learn MoreLesson 5 – Advanced – Choose the Right Zhongwen Sentence from Four Choices According to the Given Paragraph
November 7, 2013
Today our free Chinese lesson will provide some brief reading exercise for students who want to learn zhongwen online for free. To learn zhongwen better, you should have the ability of Chinese comprehension. The following exercise needs..
Learn MoreLesson 1 – Advanced – Chinese Learning Practice Questions
November 7, 2013
Practical Chinese learning materails for the advanced stundent who study Chinese and visit our free Chinese lessons section frequently. Read the paragraph in Chinese sentences and choose the proper one. 1、心理学家称,人们长期在过于__的环境中工作会感染落叶综合症。而声音可__起人们不同的感情。有些人尤其是老年人长期生活在极其安静的环境中,没有人与之聊天、谈心,也听不到富有生活气息的声音,时间长了就会变得性情孤僻,对周围的__漠不关心,从而散失生活的__,健康状况日趋下降,甚至过早离开人世。 A 安静 激起 全部 决心 B 寂静 诱发 全体 信念..
Learn MoreIn the process of Chinese language teaching, we can find that the learners come from different countries have various problems in pronunciation. But we can summarize the features of the foreigners’ pronunciation with a Chinese adjective “yang..
Learn MoreTeachers Talk About Task-based Chinese Teaching Method
November 7, 2013
The task-based teaching method is effective in helping foreign learners to study Chinese. About the task choosing and classification, Candlin proposed a series of standards, including cognitive load, communication pressure, specifically and universality, code complexity and..
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