Belajar bahasa Cina di Cina dengan Keats School

Chinese Version Drama Masquerade Staged in National Grand Theater

Oktober 30, 2013

Just several days ago, the meet-and-greet of self-creation of Chinese version Giuseppe Verdi opera Masquerade was presented in the National Grand Theater of China. The participation of the famous Dai Yuqiang and Liao Changyong made this Chinese version opera seem full of energy and vitality. Some students who are interested in opera when they come […]

Drama Works of Cao Yu

Oktober 26, 2013

Cao Yu is a famous playwright and drama educator in China born in 1910 and passed away in the year of 1996. His original name was Wan Jiabao and original family home was in Qianjiang in Hubei province. Born on September 24th in 1910 in Tianjin, Coa Yu lived in a feudal bureaucrat family. What […]

Xinjiang Twelve Muqam Concert Held in Beijing

Oktober 26, 2013

Aiming at further carrying forward the Twelve Muqam music in Xinjiang, the Xinjiang Twelve Muqam Symphony Concert which sponsored jointly by the artistic department of the Ministry of Culture and the cultural department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was held in the National Grand Theater in Beijing just several days ago. Just as some of […]

First Expedition to Observe Solar Eclipse

Oktober 26, 2013

The solar eclipse is a rare astronomical phenomenon. Whenever there is such kind of eclipse, the science researchers will grasp this opportunity to observe the phenomenon. No matter how difficult the situation will be, the observers will overcome the difficulties during the journey and observe the rare astronomical phenomenon. This kind of astronomical phenomenon does […]

China Central Chinese Orchestra in Asian-Pacific Music Festival

Oktober 26, 2013

From 28th June to 4th July, the third Asian-Pacific music festival was held in Krasnoyarsk in border area in Russia. The activities centered upon the communication of the cultures between different countries through the performance of music. About 300 artists from 13 countries attended the big event. The artists were from the countries including China, […]

Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra in the Topkap Palace of Turkey

Oktober 26, 2013

Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra held special concert in the Topkap Palace in Istanbul of Turkey. 110 persons were performing an excellent play in the palace. As one of the main contents of the 2012 Turkey & China Cultural Year, the concert by the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra was the finale of the closing ceremony of the 40th […]

Wuzi, Ancient Record of the Ancient Philosophers

Oktober 26, 2013

China has a splendid history of ancient literature. Many foreigners are interested in the ancient books and literature. When they go to place to learn Chinese, they like to learn something about the ancient culture and stories of the ancient famous writers. Many may know the ancient military theoretician whose name is Wu Qi. He […]

Introduction of Colors of Clothes along the History

Oktober 25, 2013

The color of clothes is an indicator of some particular things in particular culture. Its meaning differs according to different places and times. For example, the students taking volunteer programs in China may know that the color white implies funeral in China while purity in Japan. The color yellow was forbidden to appear in the ordinary people in ancient […]

What is the Expansion of Words Meanings?

November 7, 2013

Every word has a certain meaning and the meanings of words are not always permanent. One of the words evolution situations is the expansion of the words meanings. When you attend to Chinese school to study Mandarin, teachers would tell you that the words meanings expansion is the change from the small range to the large […]

Hebei Province

November 6, 2013

Abbreviation:Ji 冀 Capital: Shijiazhuang Area: 190,000 square kilometres Poulation:67.42 million       Location:In north China and north bank of the lower reaches of the Yellow River and adjacent to Bohai Sea in the east. Hebei surrounds Beijing and Tianjin, two of China’s four municipalities under the direct leadership of the Central Government. Hebei’s geography, communications network, […]

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