Belajar bahasa Cina di Cina dengan Keats School

Dynamic Chinese Characters in Chinese Poetry

November 8, 2013

If foreigners want to learn Chinese language better, they should first have a better and deeper understanding on the Chinese characters. In China, the in-depth understanding of Chinese characters was established in the contemporary old-style poetry. In the process of creation, the character was activated, thus helping us finish the creation. Chinese characters are very special in […]

Why We Should Say 变胖 as 胖起来and 变瘦 as 瘦下来?

November 8, 2013

When you learn the two words 起来and下来, the Chinese teachers in one-on-one Chinese learning programsmay take 胖起来and瘦下来as examples. However, it might be confusing for you because both起来and下来in the two phrases indicate the meaning of “begin and will continue”. But why, the different words should be applied differently with 胖and瘦. What are the essential differences between them? Let’s take […]

Present Problems in Teaching Foreigners Mandarin Language

November 8, 2013

As more and more foreigners intend to learn Chinese in China, teaching foreigners Chinese languagegradually widely spread in the whole China and even in other countries. However, more problems arise with the development of Chinese language teaching. Nowadays, the international spread of Chinese language is mainly for the reason of spreading Chinese culture. The students and schools in some countries may not […]

To Stimulate Foreign Learners Speak Chinese Actively

November 8, 2013

Nowadays, more and more foreigners from different countries come to learn Chinese in China. The students are differently featured, but the most difficult for teachers to teach are those who are not willing to open their mouths to speak Chinese. This condition often happens both in the class teaching and in one-on-one Chinese learning programs. Therefore, whether […]

About the Total Number of Chinese Characters

November 8, 2013

Chinese characters belong to the logo syllabic writing which are huge in total number. If the overseas students come to study in intensive Mandarin course in China, they may wonder how many characters inChinese language. So far, it is afraid that no one can give a precise answer. However, about the number of Chinese characters, the […]

Correcting Pronunciation Mistakes Should Be Company with the Whole Process of Chinese Lessons

November 8, 2013

Teachers who have been just devoted themselves to teaching Chinese lessons will often meet the situation that they have no idea about what to teach the students. For example, the students have been learning Mandarin in China for several years and they can speak fluent Chinese. Sometimes they will ask the teacher many questions which […]

Bangkok Chinese Language Teachers Came to Learn in China

November 8, 2013

In recent years, many foreigners attach more and more importance to Chinese language learning. According to the news reported by Xinhua News Agency, the foreign learners who study in Chinese language schoolcan learn that the native Chinese language teachers in Thailand Bangkok Board of Education set off to Tianjin Normal University in China on April 2nd, processing the Chinese language skill training […]

Spreading Chinese Culture through the Confucius Institute

November 8, 2013

Nowadays, more and more Confucius Institutes are being built in many countries around the world. There are increasing number of people attend to the Confucius Institute to study Chinese. In order to enrich Chinese language learners’ background knowledge, we will introduce some relevant knowledge about the Confucius Institute. Even though the name is the “Confucius Institute”, westerners who […]

Comprehend China through the “Little Ming” in Chinese Listening

November 8, 2013

People who are interested in the Chinese listening while you learn Chinese must be quite interested about the character “little Ming”, “Little Ming” is the most familiar stranger for the post 70s’ and 80s’ generation, and had accompanied the development of the whole generation through constantly appearing in all types of materials, such as the text books […]

Different Applications of Chinese Words 过来

November 8, 2013

It often happens in Chinese language that the same one word may have different meanings when being allocated with different words. One of the typical words that the students who are learning Mandarin Chinese is 过来, which has different meanings in 跑过来, 醒过来and 熬过来. In the three phrases, the first 过来is the basic application, meaning […]


Joleen | Germany
Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Tentang belajar bahasa Mandarin di sini, menurut saya kondisi kehidupannya sangat nyaman karena asrama sangat dekat dengan ruang kelas. Guru kami sangat senang mengajar bahasa Mandarin. Mereka juga sangat bersemangat. Dibandingkan dengan kota-kota lain di China, Kunming memiliki cuaca yang sangat bagus.

Ida | Italy
Kelas Grup Kecil Bahasa Mandarin

Saya telah belajar di Keats selama 2 semester. Saya sangat merekomendasikan Keats School. Jika Anda sangat tertarik untuk mengambil kursus bahasa Mandarin di China, saya sarankan Anda datang ke Kunming. Orang-orang Kunming sangat ramah. Cuaca di Kunming bagus. Jadi saya menyarankan Anda belajar bahasa Mandarin di Keats di Kunming.

Emiliano | メキシコ
Kelas Grup Kecil Bahasa Mandarin

Saya datang ke Kunming karena menurut saya lingkungan di Kunming lebih baik dan saya mendengar bahwa Sekolah Keats lebih baik. Saya suka kelompok kecil kelas bahasa Mandarin karena teman sekelas saya belajar dengan giat dan guru kami sangat baik. Saya suka metode mengajar Keats karena saya suka aktivitas di Keats. Saya pikir Yunnan adalah provinsi China yang sangat indah.


Jade | UK & Mauritius
Kelas Grup Kecil Bahasa Mandarin

Saya pikir lingkungan belajar bahasa Mandarin di sini sangat bagus. Metode pengajarannya juga sangat interaktif dan menyenangkan. Yang paling saya nikmati di sini adalah kenyataan bahwa guru saya tidak berpegang teguh pada buku teks. Kami menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk membahas topik umum, seperti budaya China, berita dunia, ekspresi khas yang digunakan oleh masyarakat setempat. Kami juga membahas topik sosial dan ekonomi.

星河明 | Japan
Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Saya mengambil kelas Bahasa Mandarin Intensif satu lawan satu selama 6 jam sehari. Kelasnya sangat menarik. Para guru penuh perhatian dan konten yang diajarkan guru kepada saya cocok untuk level saya. Ini adalah cara mudah untuk belajar bahasa Mandarin. Saya punya banyak waktu berlatih bahasa Mandarin di kelas. Makanannya enak di sini. Saya telah meningkatkan bahasa Mandarin saya melalui program ini di Keats.

Simon | UK & France
Kelas Grup Kecil Bahasa Mandarin

Pengajuan visa sangat mudah, karena Keats School banyak membantu kami dalam hal itu. Keats memiliki penekanan besar pada praktik percakapan, jadi kami belajar banyak kosa kata dan rencana kehidupan sehari-hari yang sangat nyaman bagi kami untuk berkeliling kota dan berbicara dengan orang-orang Tionghoa yang merupakan inti dari belajar bahasa Mandarin di Tiongkok.

Aliza | USA
Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Saya menemukan Keats School dan saya sangat senang saya melakukannya. Saat Anda belajar bahasa Cina di China di Keats, Anda akan diurus sepenuhnya. Guru saya sangat hebat dan kami menjadi teman yang menyenangkan.

Faith | UK
Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Saya memiliki 2 guru, dan saya mengerjakan 4 jam sehari. Jadi saya punya Dong Laoshi dan Jin Laoshi. Keduanya sangat bagus. Mereka membuat pengalaman itu sangat menyenangkan bagi saya. Mereka bersedia membantu Anda kapan saja, jadi jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan di sini, para guru selalu ada untuk membantu Anda apakah itu visa, apakah itu berkeliling kota. Semua orang ingin berbicara dengan Anda.

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