After students learning some basic words and grammar points, the most important thing is to put what they learned into use. Therefore, for the learners study in China, we should improve their language skill on all sides. When it comes to the daily talk, students should be able to ask questions and have adaptability to changes […]
In the classroom teaching system of teaching overseas students Chinese, the words teaching plays a crucial part. It is the foundation and precondition of learning and understanding the texts. It is also an important measure for students learn Chinese in China to master words and increase their vocabulary. However, there are so many words in Chinese language for students study […]
The very traditional Chinese characters are very complex in forms. However, the Chinese characters we learned now are all simplified. For students who learn Chinese in China, it will be more difficult to learn the original Chinese characters. But they should learn some background knowledge about it. Since the foundation of the new China, the Chinese […]
The formation of Chinese language has gone a very long time. As time goes on, there are some new words are to be created or derived or loaned. Therefore, learners attend to school to study in China should have knowledge about those words. In the following parts, the origin of the word “黑客” will be introduced. In recent times, […]
The purpose of learning a certain language is to use the language to express what we want to say. Therefore, to improve students’ language skills to learn Mandarin better, we should help them practice more from the basic elements. After learning new words, they should train more to make sentences and then passages. In this essay, the […]
Even you are a native Chinese and have been speaking Chinese for more than ten years, but if someone asks you to talk about the characteristics of Chinese speech sounds, I suppose that few people can really tell something. This is not strange, for we are the users of language, not the researchers. Some unprofessional […]
learning Mandarin Chinese sometimes is a tedious process, teachers of Chinese school in Chinashould think of some methods to make the courses interesting and lively. The teacher of qualified Mandarin program will share a good teaching approach with all the Chinese teachers. According to the teaching contents, teachers can choose the lively sceneries around and lead students who study Chinese to go […]
For most of the people who learn to speak Chinese, the tones are the scared parts in the process of learning Mandarin Chinese. They think that Chinese tones are really hard to learn. Almost every Chinese teacher will regard the tones as the top one thing when teaching Chinese language. Even so, many students will […]
For students who learn Chinese in China, the teachers often find that they have great problems on the pronunciation of pinyin tones. And it is true that this is the most difficult part when they learn Chinese. Today will talk about the problems of the four tones and the teaching skills. Firstly, we will start with the […]
As Chinese teachers of Mandarin language program, you must have known the importance of correcting pronunciation mistakes in Chinese teaching. For every adult student who is learning Mandarin in China, correcting pronunciation mistakes is the most common thing. If his pronunciation has never been corrected, I promise that his Chinese must have foreign accent and […]
Jadi selama minggu pertama saya di Keats, saya tidak berani mengucapkan sepatah kata pun dalam bahasa Mandarin. Saya menemukan bahwa level bahasa Mandarin saya meningkat dengan cepat sejak itu. Meskipun saya memiliki banyak pilihan untuk belajar di China, misalnya, beberapa sekolah lain memiliki homestay, saya menemukan bahwa saya dapat membenamkan diri dan sepenuhnya fokus belajar bahasa Mandarin dengan tinggal di Keats.
Saya pikir lingkungan belajar bahasa Mandarin di sini sangat bagus. Metode pengajarannya juga sangat interaktif dan menyenangkan. Yang paling saya nikmati di sini adalah kenyataan bahwa guru saya tidak berpegang teguh pada buku teks. Kami menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk membahas topik umum, seperti budaya China, berita dunia, ekspresi khas yang digunakan oleh masyarakat setempat. Kami juga membahas topik sosial dan ekonomi.
Saya mengambil kelas Bahasa Mandarin Intensif satu lawan satu selama 6 jam sehari. Kelasnya sangat menarik. Para guru penuh perhatian dan konten yang diajarkan guru kepada saya cocok untuk level saya. Ini adalah cara mudah untuk belajar bahasa Mandarin. Saya punya banyak waktu berlatih bahasa Mandarin di kelas. Makanannya enak di sini. Saya telah meningkatkan bahasa Mandarin saya melalui program ini di Keats.
Saya datang ke Kunming karena menurut saya lingkungan di Kunming lebih baik dan saya mendengar bahwa Sekolah Keats lebih baik. Saya suka kelompok kecil kelas bahasa Mandarin karena teman sekelas saya belajar dengan giat dan guru kami sangat baik. Saya suka metode mengajar Keats karena saya suka aktivitas di Keats. Saya pikir Yunnan adalah provinsi China yang sangat indah.
Semester pertama saya belajar di sekolah lain, dan tekanan di sana cukup tinggi, jam kelas panjang, dan pekerjaan rumah cukup membosankan. Sejak saya datang ke Keats, saya menemukan bahwa saya memiliki lebih banyak kesempatan untuk berbicara di kelas. Semua teman sekelas saya fasih dan suka berbicara serta berpartisipasi di kelas. Kami memiliki dinamika kelas yang hebat.
Saya sangat menikmati tempat ini karena kami memiliki pelajaran bahasa Mandarin privat. Saya mengikuti program 6 jam, 4 jam di pagi hari, jam 2 siang. Meski cukup banyak, namun pengajarannya bersifat komplementer. Ini sangat membantu karena saya dapat mereview apa yang saya lakukan sebelumnya dan mempelajari hal-hal baru. 2 guru saya luar biasa. Kami tinggal di sekolah, jadi nyaman. Sangat menarik bagi saya untuk bertemu orang-orang dari seluruh dunia.
Menurut saya Keats adalah salah satu sekolah bahasa terbaik yang pernah saya kunjungi. Guru saya adalah orang yang luar biasa. Dia sangat pandai mengajar. Dia membuat kelas menjadi menyenangkan. Saya telah belajar banyak kosakata selama saya di sini. Saya sangat merekomendasikan datang untuk belajar bahasa Mandarin di Sekolah Keats.
Saya bersenang-senang di sini. Saya telah belajar banyak dengan guru saya yang luar biasa. Keats School berusaha sangat keras untuk mencocokkan siswanya dengan guru yang sangat baik sehingga kepribadian mereka bekerja sama dengan sangat baik. Saya sangat menikmati belajar bahasa Mandarin di Keats dan saya pasti akan kembali.