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Belajar bahasa Cina di Cina dengan Keats School

Visit Kunming Museum
May 18 2014

Price: Free

Where: Meet at Keats school, and walk to Kunming museum

WHAT: Visit Kunming museum

Who: Students and Teachers


Kunming Museum was built in September 1997. It is located in the city center, close to Keats school, 15 minutes’ on foot. Kunming museum is a comprehensive museum with interesting exhibitions such as Flying Tigers, photography of old Kunming, precious bronze collection. What’s important is that it has the oldest Buddhist pagoda of Kunming inside. Let’s immerse ourselves in the wonders of history.

Keats School’s 3rd International Cultural Festival
May 8 2014

Price: Free

Where: Meet at Keats school first, and then walk  there

WHAT: To celebrate  Keats School’s 3rd International Cultural Festival

Who: Students and Teachers


Keats School will hold her third large school event next week —— Keats School’s 3rd International Cultural Festival. The theme of this event is “I Love My Hometown and I Love China”.

All Keats teachers and students will be gathered together to celebrate this spectacular festival. The core essence of this event is that teachers and students will give us fantastic shows. The teachers and the students in each class will sing Chinese songs that they picked. The most exciting and wonderful part is that every student will use a variety of ways to show their beautiful hometowns.

Each event at Keats School has fun games, and of course we will not miss any fun games for this coming event as well. Let’s count down to a feast of music and magic.

Learn a Chinese Song
May 4 2014

Price: Free

Where: Keats Lounge

WHAT: Learn to Sing a Chinese Song

Who: Students and Teachers


One good way to learn Chinese is to learn Chinese songs. Music can bring you joyful feelings while you study Chinese in China. Music not only makes you feel that learning Chinese is not boring, but also can make it much easier to memorize words. You can also learn some more authentic Chinese expressions. Join us and learn Chinese through the beautiful Chinese music.

Day Trip to Yunnan Nationalities Village
Apr 27 2014

Price: Cost: Ticket —— 120 Yuan        Bus —— 2 Yuan

Where: Meet at Keats school first, and then take bus to Yunnan nationalities village 

WHAT: Visit Yunnan nationalities village

Who: Students and Teachers


There are 56 minorities in China and 26 of out 56 minorities groups are living in Yunnan, so Yunnan is rich in minority culture, folk art, cuisine, customs, etc. Because all these minority groups live in different places of Yunnan, visiting all of them and learning about their cultures can be a hard thing. But don’t worry! We will take you to a wonderful place that has all Yunnan minority groups. It is Yunnan Nationalities Village. You only need to spend a day and then enjoy the Yunnan’s minority culture. Why are you still waiting? Let’s go together!

Appreciate the Chinese Traditional Music
Apr 20 2014

Price: Free

Where: Keats Lounge

WHAT: Appreciate the Chinese traditional music

Who: Students and Teachers


Chinese music style is very unique, because we have a lot of traditional musical instruments, such as Erhu、Guzheng、Pipa、Hulusi and so on. The materials to make Chinese traditional musical instruments come from nature, so the sound of them are very close to the sounds of birds, river, wind, insect and so on. When you hear it in a very quiet environment, you will feel like you are in the nature. Please enjoy it together with us.

Yunnan Cuisine
Apr 13 2014

Price: Bus ticket: 2 yuan     Cost: food – 60 yuan

Where: Yunnan Cuisine Restaurant

WHAT: Enjoy a tasty Yunnan cuisine dinner

Who: Students and Teachers


Yunnan cuisine is similar to Sichuan cuisine, but the taste of Yunnan cuisine is not as spicy as Sichuan food. Because there were a lot of mountains in Yunnan province, many ingredients of Yunnan cuisine come from the mountains such as the delicious wild vegetables and mushrooms. In general, Yunnan food is rather healthy. Join us and we can’t wait for a fabulous dinner.

Day Trip to Flowers and Birds Market
Apr 6 2014

Price: Bus-2 yuan

Where: Flowers and Birds Market

WHAT: Visit Flowers and Birds Market

Who: Students and Teachers


Kunming flowers and birds market is on the Yongdao street in Kunming city center. It is opened in 1983. At the beginning, there were only a few people who sold some flowers and stones. Several years later, as the business was getting better and better, the market attracted many visitors. Now, you can all kinds of Yunnan special products here. It has also become a very worth visiting place in Kunming. We will wait for you at the school to take you to the market.

Play Mahjong
Mar 30 2014

Price: Free

Where: Keats Lounge

WHAT: Learn to Play to Chinese Mahjong

Who: Students and Teachers


Mahjong, orginated in China, is commonly played by four players. The origin of mahjong is widely discussed and one possible origin suggests that Confucius, the Chinese philosopher, developed the game in about 500 BC. The rules of mahjong are complicated, but don’t worry, we are here to help. Once you master all the rules, you will be attracted by the charm of it. Welcome to enjoy this activity!

Day Trip to Yunnan Provincial Museum
Mar 23 2014

Price: Free

Where: Meet at Keats school first, and then take bus to the museum

WHAT: Visit Yunnan Provincial Museum

Who: Students and Teachers


Yunnan Provincial Museum is a comprehensive museum. It is located in Wuyi road of Kunming and it was established in August 1951. Yunnan Provincial Museum has a great collection of  ancient bronze, ancient coins, ceramics, calligraphy, painting, stamps and various handcrafts, which have more than 200 thousand years of history. This is the best place for you to know about Yunnan’s culture and history. Let’s get the amazing trip started!

Play Chinese Chess
Mar 16 2014

Price: Free

Where: Keats Lounge

WHAT: Learn to Play to Chinese Chess

Who: Students and Teachers


Chinese Chess or Xiangqi, is a very popular game in China. It has thousands of years history in China. It is suitable for all age groups. Containing the traditional Chinese philosophies, Chinese Chess has strict rules and a complete system, which are very helpful for your logic training and also it is a good way of entertaining. Welcome to enjoy this activity!

Program Bahasa Mandarin mana
yang cocok untuk anda?



Sylvia | USA

Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Satu hal yang sangat saya sukai adalah saya dapat bekerja dengan guru saya untuk membuat rencana studi individu. Hal lain yang sangat menyenangkan adalah Anda tinggal di sekolah, Anda merasa benar-benar aman. Anda selalu memiliki sekelompok orang yang bersedia melakukan sesuatu dengan Anda pada akhir pekan atau malam hari. Mereka melayani Anda semua 3 kali sehari, makanannya luar biasa.

杜文宇 | Netherlands

Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Jadi selama minggu pertama saya di Keats, saya tidak berani mengucapkan sepatah kata pun dalam bahasa Mandarin. Saya menemukan bahwa level bahasa Mandarin saya meningkat dengan cepat sejak itu. Meskipun saya memiliki banyak pilihan untuk belajar di China, misalnya, beberapa sekolah lain memiliki homestay, saya menemukan bahwa saya dapat membenamkan diri dan sepenuhnya fokus belajar bahasa Mandarin dengan tinggal di Keats.

Alibaba | USA

Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Kunming adalah kota yang fantastis. Cuaca di sini bagus. Sekolahnya luar biasa. Instrukturnya sangat membantu, sangat ramah. Saya sangat menyarankan siapa pun yang mencari sekolah bahasa Mandarin di Tiongkok datang ke sini untuk belajar. Sekolah Kunming dan Keats jauh lebih baik daripada tempat lainnya.

Steve | UK

Kelas Grup Kecil Bahasa Mandarin

Saya sangat menikmati datang ke sini karena ini seperti rumah bagi saya. Ini adalah lingkungan yang bagus untuk belajar bahasa Mandarin di Tiongkok dan bertemu orang-orang hebat dari seluruh dunia. Semua orang di sini sangat ramah. Kunming memiliki iklim yang sangat bagus. Ini adalah perpaduan yang sangat baik antara kota modern dan juga banyak budaya Tiongkok yang bersejarah. Mungkin mendapat udara terbersih di China dan mungkin juga air terbersih. Saya mengundang Anda untuk datang belajar bahasa Mandarin di Kunming.

Paul | UK

Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Semua guru sangat menyenangkan. Tingkat pengajaran di Keats jauh lebih tinggi. Saya sangat menyukai kota ini. Sangat nyaman untuk berkeliling. Saya sepenuhnya merekomendasikan Keats. Ini adalah tempat yang bagus untuk belajar bahasa Mandarin di Tiongkok. Kami berharap dapat kembali lagi nanti tahun ini.

Claudia | Australia

Kelas Intensif 1-on-1 Mandarin

Saya telah berada di sekolah Keats dan Kunming sekarang selama satu bulan melakukan pelajaran bahasa Mandarin secara pribadi dengan dua guru yang berbeda. Saya sangat menikmatinya. Kedua guru saya sangat ramah dan sabar. Mereka benar-benar membantu saya untuk meningkatkan bahasa Mandarin saya, baik dalam membaca maupun berbicara. Saya sangat menikmati belajar bahasa Mandarin di Kunming juga. Kota ini sangat indah dan cuacanya bagus, udaranya bersih. Itu salah satu kota terbaik di China untuk belajar bahasa Mandarin.

Mike | オーストラリア

Kelas Grup Kecil Bahasa Mandarin

Saya pikir Kunming adalah kota yang hebat, cuacanya sangat bagus. Saya sangat menyukai sekolah Keats dan merasa sangat terorganisir. Guru di sini sangat baik. Mereka memiliki kedai kopi dan ruang kelas baru, ruang tunggu baru di sini sekarang, sehingga Anda dapat bersantai dengan teman-teman Anda dan melatih bahasa Mandarin Anda dengan penduduk asli. Jika Anda sedang mempertimbangkan untuk datang ke Keats untuk belajar, saya akan sangat merekomendasikannya. Ini adalah tempat terbaik untuk belajar bahasa Mandarin dan menurut saya ini akan menjadi pengalaman yang luar biasa untuk Anda.


Ben | USA

Kelas Grup Kecil Bahasa Mandarin

Semester pertama saya belajar di sekolah lain, dan tekanan di sana cukup tinggi, jam kelas panjang, dan pekerjaan rumah cukup membosankan. Sejak saya datang ke Keats, saya menemukan bahwa saya memiliki lebih banyak kesempatan untuk berbicara di kelas. Semua teman sekelas saya fasih dan suka berbicara serta berpartisipasi di kelas. Kami memiliki dinamika kelas yang hebat.

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