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Keats School과 함께 중국에서 중국어 배우기

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Lost in the Fancy of Huadeng Garden

Guandu Ancient Town is one of the most famous ancient towns in Kunming and it is also the origin of Dian culture. As a historical hub of Kunming local culture, Guandu Ancient Town comes to the top of the list for our outdoor lessons. Ms. Ma took her student Isi to visit the Guandu Ancient Town. Besides learning about the history and the culture of the old town, they were also looking for the Huadeng Garden which represents a special opera of Kunming – Huadeng.

Just a few minutes since the sun rose, Ms. Ma and Isi set out from Keats. Although the Guandu Ancient Town is located a little far from Keats, which is in the city center, it is easy to get there. Some students went there by taxi while some got there by bus. Ms. Ma and Isi soon grabbed a cab.  Ms. Ma encouraged Isi to tell the driver where they were going in Chinese language. The driver was amazed by Isi’s clear pronunciation and praised him “He speaks like a Chinese”. Just for about 20 minutes, they arrived at the old town.

Along the street to the center of the town were various vendors selling minority clothes, silver handicrafts, and fur. While they were fascinated by the numerous little things, Ms. Ma introduced the cultural background of each product. Suddenly, they saw a crowd gathering around a middle-aged man. Curious and excited, they found out that this man was making paintings using sugar. Ms. Ma told Isi that this artistic handwork was almost getting lost in Chinese culture and it was a surprise to them to see it here in Guandu old town. You can spend 5 yuan to rotate a round plate with different kinds of animals. The needle can fell on any kind of animal. If it were a butterfly, then the artist would make a butterfly for you immediately. Some people got monkeys. The best animal to get is a dragon.

As visiting the Guandu old town got more and more interesting, Ms. Ma and Isi moved to the most important spot of the town – Golden Tower. Taking pictures and reading the introductions, Ms. Ma and Isi were busy recording everything they saw. However, Ms. Ma suddenly realized that their destination for this trip was to find the Huadeng Opera. Isi soon received a task in Chinese, which was to find its accurate location within in the old town. Isi tried to ask a Chinese young man where it was. Unfortunately, the young man did not know where it was either. Isi then tried to ask an old man.  Luckily, the old man not only told Isi where it was, but also asked them to get there quickly to catch the opera performance. The Huadeng Garden was actually a classic small building. There is a Kunming Huadeng Opera being performed here every day. If you want to learn more about Kunming’s opera culture, the Guandu Ancient Town could be the best choice.

Getting into the building, Ms. Ma and Isi saw chairs were placed row by row in the middle of the hall. The entire stage was decorated by traditional Chinese paintings. At the two sides of the stage were traditional Chinese musical instruments. Although they missed the Huadeng performance, they were lost in the beautiful and vintage environment. Isi made his mind to come here again to watch the Huadeng opera next time.

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Joep | Netherlands

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

저는 지금까지 4 번 중국어를 배우기 위해 Keats School에갔습니다. 이 학교로 돌아온 이유는 제가 함께 일했던 선생님들이 아주 좋은 중국어 선생님들 이었기 때문입니다. 저는이 학교로 돌아올 5 년 계획 또는 10 년 계획을 세웁니다. 모든 선생님들은 당신의 능력이 무엇인지 보는 방법을 가지고 있습니다. 그들은 당신이 어떤 수준인지 알고 있습니다. 모두에게 가치가 있다고 생각합니다.

Ivo testimonial for keats chinese school

Ivo | Switzerland

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

그들은 우리의 관심사가 무엇인지, 어떤 질문이 있는지, 어떤 요구 사항이 있는지에 대해 정말로 관심이 있습니다. 그런 다음 상황에 따라 중국어 프로그램 내용을 조정합니다. 한 명의 교사와 한 명의 학생으로 6 시간의 집중 중국어 수업에 집중하기가 쉽습니다. 한 건물에서 공부하고 생활하고 식사하는 것이 매우 편리합니다.

David testimonial for keats chinese schoo

David | Australia

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

작년에 처음 만났던 저처럼 올해 Keats로 돌아온 사람들을 많이 만났기 때문에 주목할 만했습니다. 그 가르침은 환상적이었습니다. 교사는 각 수업을 신중하게 준비합니다. 이 일대일 접근 방식은 중국어 수준을 빠르게 높이고 언어에 대한 자신감과 유창성을 높일 수있는 정말 좋은 방법이라고 생각합니다.

Dr. Med. Beatrice | Austria

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

나는 작은 도시를 좋아하고 이곳의 기후를 좋아하기 때문에 쿤밍에서 중국어를 배우기로 결심했습니다. 우리는 하루에 4 시간 동안 이곳에서 공부했고 사랑하는 선생님이 저에게 많은 것을 가르쳐 주셨고 저에 대한 인내심을 잃지 않았습니다. 이곳에있는 것은 정말 멋진 경험이었고 저는 중국에서 중국어를 배우고 싶어하는 모든 사람들에게 Keats 학교와 여기 선생님들을 추천합니다.

Ida testimonial for keats chinese school

Ida | Italy

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

저는 2 학기 동안 Keats에서 공부했습니다. Keats School을 적극 추천합니다. 중국에서 중국어 코스를 듣는 데 관심이 많으시면 쿤밍에 오시기 바랍니다. 쿤밍 사람들은 매우 친절합니다. 쿤밍의 날씨는 좋습니다. 그래서 쿤밍의 키츠에서 중국어를 공부하는 것이 좋습니다.

Andrew testimonial for keats chinese school

Andrew | USA

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

ฉันเป็นนักศึกษาระดับบัณฑิตศึกษาที่กำลังศึกษาระดับปริญญาเอกที่มหาวิทยาลัยโคลัมเบีย เราสามารถมุ่งเน้นไปที่การพูดโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งการพูดแบบสัมภาษณ์และเราสามารถพัฒนาทักษะการอ่านและการเขียนภาษาจีนได้อย่างแท้จริงดังนั้นเมื่อฉันกลับไปที่โคลัมเบียฉันสามารถเรียนภาษาจีนแบบเป็นทางการ มันเป็นประสบการณ์ที่ดีมากและฉันรักครูของฉันมาก

Filbert | Indonesia

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

Keats School에 오기 전에는 중국어 능력에 대한 확신이 없었습니다. 나는 만다린 중국어를 말하고 중국 사람들과 대화 할 자신이 없었습니다. 그러나 Keats에서 4 개월 동안 공부 한 후, 이제는 중국어를 말할 때 점점 더 자신감이 생겼습니다. Keats School에서 중국에서 중국어를 공부하는 것은 제가 내린 최고의 결정이었습니다. 수업에는 게임이 많고 선생님의 교수법도 매우 흥미 롭습니다. Keats School에서의 경험은 중국과 중국인에 대한 나의 견해를 바 꾸었습니다.


Viktor testimonial for keats chinese school

Viktor | Switzerland

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

우리 학교는 훌륭합니다. 쿤밍에서 중국어를 배우는 더 편리한 방법이기 때문에 Keats School을 추천합니다.

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