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Keats School과 함께 중국에서 중국어 배우기

Ancient Chinese Architectural Culture
Nov 30 2023

Price: Free

Where: Keats Cafeteria

WHAT: Ancient Chinese Architectural Culture

Who: Keats Students


Peng Laoshi will go through Chinese ancient architecture styles. If you are interested in art or architecture, it is your time.

Visit the 1970 Shenli Cultural Park
Nov 4 2023

Price: FREE

Where: Keats School

WHAT: Visit the 1970 Shenli Cultural Park

Who: Keats students


This park used to be a factory. Now it was turned into a cultural park with the old architecture to reminisce about the old times.

Make your own Chinese embroidery
Oct 26 2023

Price: FREE

Where: Keats School

WHAT: Make your own Chinese embroidery

Who: Students with Ms. Wang


Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival
Sep 28 2023

Price: FREE

Where: Keats School Cafeteria

WHAT: Have a nice hot pot dinner

Who: Students and Teachers


We will eat hot pot at the school and then make mooncakes to celebrate the mid-Autumn Festival.

Trip to the Kunming Plants Research Center
Sep 9 2023

Price: FREE

Where: Meet at Keats school and take bus there

WHAT: Visit  the Kunming plants research center

Who: Students and Teachers


Kunming Plants Research Center is lying in the north of Kunming. Thousands of plants are attracting many tourists every year. Indoor and outdoor plants will make you surprise. Every tag of different plants will show you information about plant’s name, type, and years etc. It is a good place for people to appreciate the beautiful scenery and close to the nature.

Learn Tang Poetry
Aug 31 2023

Price: FREE

Where: Keats Lounge

WHAT: Learn Tang Poetry

Who: Students and Teachers


Tang Poetry is a very important and valued part of the Chinese Han culture. Its history dates back more than twelve-hundred years. Tang Poetry has influenced and even continues to influence the culture of China and its surrounding countries. There is an abundance of knowledge to learn about ancient Chinese culture through Tang poetry.  Let’s study this fascinating historical literature together.

Make Sugar-coated Haws
Aug 3 2023

Price: FREE

Where: Keats Cafeteria

WHAT: Learn to make sugar-coated haws.

Who: Keats students


Let’s have a sweet night with self-made sugar-coated haws!

Watch Traditional Chinese Opera at a Theatre
Aug 2 2023

Price: Free

Where: Yunnan Theatre

WHAT: Appreciate Traditional Chinese Opera

Who: Keats Students


The erhu teacher at Keats is also a famous performer at Yunnan Theatre. The theatre frequently invites Keats students to watch Chinese traditional operas  for free when they perform.

Dounan Flower Market
Jul 29 2023

Price: FREE

Where: Meet at school first and take subway there

WHAT: Visit the Dounan Flower Market

Who: Keats students


Dounan Flower Market is the largest flower trade market in Asia. You will be surprised about the number of fresh flowers and what’s more, the price is incredibly cheap. A bunch of roses only cost 5 RMB. Dounan Market also attracts many tourists come to visit. We can take the subway to the market directly.

Language Exchange with Chinese People
Jul 28 2023

Price: Free

Where: Keats Time Cafe

WHAT: Language Exchange

Who: Keats Students and Chinese People


Have learned too much Chinese in the classroom? Now it is time to use it with Chinese people.

나에게 맞는 프로그램은?

프로그램 소개

7300 명이 넘는 학생들이 KEATS를 다녀갔습니다.

Sully testimonial for keats chinese school

Sully | France

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

제 반 친구들은 모두 1 년 동안 함께 지냈고 우리는 많이 향상되었습니다! Keats의 선생님들은 모두 매우 훌륭합니다. 그들은 우리가 중국어를 배울 수 있도록 많은 활동을 조직하는 것을 좋아합니다. 나는 Keats를 좋아한다! 나는 곤명을 좋아한다!

Andrew testimonial for keats chinese school

Andrew | USA

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

ฉันเป็นนักศึกษาระดับบัณฑิตศึกษาที่กำลังศึกษาระดับปริญญาเอกที่มหาวิทยาลัยโคลัมเบีย เราสามารถมุ่งเน้นไปที่การพูดโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งการพูดแบบสัมภาษณ์และเราสามารถพัฒนาทักษะการอ่านและการเขียนภาษาจีนได้อย่างแท้จริงดังนั้นเมื่อฉันกลับไปที่โคลัมเบียฉันสามารถเรียนภาษาจีนแบบเป็นทางการ มันเป็นประสบการณ์ที่ดีมากและฉันรักครูของฉันมาก

Hilary testimonial for keats chinese school

Hilary | USA

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

여기서 정말 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다. 환상적인 선생님과 많이 공부했습니다. Keats School은 학생들의 성격이 잘 어울리는 정말 좋은 선생님과 학생들을 연결시키기 위해 매우 열심히 노력했습니다. 저는 Keats에서 중국어 공부를 정말 좋아하고 꼭 다시 올 것입니다.

Simon testimonial for keats chinese school

Simon | UK & France

소규모 그룹 수업 코스

비자 신청은 정말 간단했습니다. Keats School이 우리에게 많은 도움을주기 때문입니다. Keats는 회화 연습에 큰 중점을두기 때문에 우리는 중국에서 중국어를 배우는 요지 인 중국인과 마을을 돌아 다니며 대화하기에 매우 편리한 많은 어휘와 일상 생활 계획을 배웁니다.

Shihori | 日本

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

일대일 집중 중국어 과정에서는 원하는 학습 방법을 선택할 수 있습니다. Keats의 중국 소그룹 중국어 수업은 HSK 교과서를 따릅니다. 교사는 종종 학생들의 피드백을 수집하고 교사는 우리의 요구 사항과 의견을 경청합니다. 구강 수준이 이전보다 나아 졌다고 느꼈습니다.

Alibaba | USA

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

쿤밍은 환상적인 도시입니다. 여기의 날씨는 좋습니다. 학교는 훌륭합니다. 강사는 매우 도움이되고 매우 친절합니다. 중국에서 중국어 학교를 찾고있는 사람은 누구나 이곳에 와서 공부할 것을 강력히 추천합니다. Kunming과 Keats 학교는 다른 어떤 곳보다 훨씬 낫습니다.

星河明 | Japan

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

나는 하루에 6 시간 동안 일대일 집중 중국어 수업을 들었습니다. 수업은 매우 흥미 롭습니다. 선생님들은 배려하고 선생님이 가르쳐 주신 내용은 저의 레벨에 적합합니다. 중국어를 배우는 쉬운 방법입니다. 수업 시간에 중국어 연습을 많이 해요. 여기 음식은 훌륭합니다. Keats에서이 프로그램을 통해 중국어를 향상 시켰습니다.

Joleen | Germany

집중적인 1:1 개인 중국어 교습

여기서 중국어를 공부하는 것은 기숙사가 교실과 매우 가깝기 때문에 생활 조건이 매우 편리하다고 생각합니다. 우리 선생님들은 중국어를 가르치는 것을 정말 좋아합니다. 그들은 또한 매우 열정적입니다. 중국의 다른 도시에 비해 쿤밍은 날씨가 정말 좋습니다.

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