The homographs are the words with the same form but different in part of speech and meanings. Teachers would t […]
During the process of teaching Chinese, some teachers may find that some contents can be understood by student […]
For those overseas students who often speak 老师as老西and老司, they must be fail to master the pronouncing features […]
For some English speaking learners who come to China for Chinese language learning, they may think there is no […]
A piece of news comes from teachers in Mandarin learning courses that on the afternoon of November 25, the “Co […]
It should be assured that the phonetic teaching of Chinese at present is basically successful. As the beginnin […]
Today our free Chinese lesson will provide some brief reading exercise for students who want to learn zhongwen […]
Practical Chinese learning materails for the advanced stundent who study Chinese and visit our free Chinese le […]
In the process of Chinese language teaching, we can find that the learners come from different countries have […]
The task-based teaching method is effective in helping foreign learners to study Chinese. About the task choos […]